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Collaborate Effectively for Professional Success (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Collaborate Effectively for Professional Success (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Collaboration is not just the act of working together. It goes beyond that. Through collaboration, you can accomplish much more than what you would if you worked alone. Having the skills to communicate with the people you are working with and being able to work as a team towards [...]

Liderar equipes (Coursera)

Neste curso, você aprenderá como construir sua equipe, melhorar o trabalho em equipe e a colaboração e sustentar o desempenho da equipe por meio de aprendizado e melhoria contínuos. Especificamente, você aprenderá as melhores práticas para compor uma equipe e alinhar as metas individuais e da equipe. Você também [...]

Liderazgo de equipos (Coursera)

En este curso, aprenderá cómo construir su equipo, mejorar el trabajo en equipo y la colaboración, y mantener el desempeño del equipo a través del aprendizaje y la mejora continuos. Específicamente, aprenderá las mejores prácticas para componer un equipo y alinear los objetivos individuales y del equipo. También aprenderá [...]

Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II) (Coursera)

Safety culture is a facet of organizational culture that captures attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and values about safety. A culture of safety is essential in high reliability organizations and is a critical mechanism for the delivery of safe and high-quality care. It requires a strong commitment from leadership [...]

Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups (Coursera)

Effective teamwork and group communication are essential for your professional and personal success. In this course you will learn to: make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members, negotiate for preferred outcomes, improve group communication in virtual environments, develop a [...]

Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People (Coursera)

Peter Drucker, a pioneer in the field of management, once said that people have a perverse tendency to behave like human beings. Of course, we are not machines, and certainly not programmable. But through the study of organizational behavior, we can gain insights into what makes people tick within [...]

High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation (Coursera)

Are leaders born or made? Learn the essential skills to develop and expand your leadership repertoire, design teams for collaboration, and craft win-win negotiation strategies. High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation focuses on leadership, teamwork, and negotiation. Students will engage in self-assessments to analyze their leadership style, develop [...]

Global Impact: Cross-Cultural Management (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Global Impact: Cross-Cultural Management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
With globalization, multiculturalism is on the rise. Managers need to lead a workforce composed of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Managers need to negotiate and cooperate with organizations from diverse cultures; they need to know about the effects that diverse cultures can have on business practices. This course introduces [...]

Feedback Loops: Horizontal Feedback (Coursera)

What’s the best way to give and get feedback from a coworker? How about from a classmate, teammate, or friend? These and other horizontal feedback opportunities can sometimes cause a lot of anxiety, jealousy, bitterness, and misinformation. This course will help you avoid those pitfalls and turn peer feedback [...]

Creating Trust & Support (Coursera)

Welcome to Leading StandOut Teams: Creating Trust & Support! This course will explore what it means to create the conditions in which a team feels they can trust that everyone is being open and real; how to create the team relatedness that generates a sense of support among team [...]