R Programming

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R Programming and Tidyverse Capstone Project (Coursera)

In this third and final course of the "Expressway to Data Science: R Programming and Tidyverse" specialization you will reinforce and display your R and tidyverse skills by completing an analysis of COVID-19 data! Here is a chance to apply your skills to a real-world dataset that has effected [...]

Making Data Science Work for Clinical Reporting (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Making Data Science Work for Clinical Reporting (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is aimed to demonstrate how principles and methods from data science can be applied in clinical reporting. By the end of the course, learners will understand what requirements there are in reporting clinical trials, and how they impact on how data science is used. The learner will [...]

Ferramentas para Ciência de Dados: Introdução ao R (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Ferramentas para Ciência de Dados: Introdução ao R. Neste curso, você aprenderá que o mundo evoluiu muito quando o assunto é tomada de decisão baseada em dados e já não é possível comparar a quantidade de informações a que temos acesso atualmente com o que [...]

Data Visualization with R (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Data Visualization with R (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn the Grammar of Graphics, a system for describing and building graphs, and how the ggplot2 data visualization package for R applies this concept to basic bar charts, histograms, pie charts, scatter plots, line plots, and box plots. You will also learn how to [...]

The Fundamental of Data-Driven Investment (Coursera)

In this course, the instructor will discuss the fundamental analysis of investment using R programming. The course will cover investment analysis topics, but at the same time, make you practice it using R programming. This course's focus is to train you to do the elemental analysis for investment management [...]

Modeling Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera)

Developing insights about your organization, business, or research project depends on effective modeling and analysis of the data you collect. Building effective models requires understanding the different types of questions you can ask and how to map those questions to your data. Different modeling approaches can be chosen to [...]

Wrangling Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera)

Data never arrive in the condition that you need them in order to do effective data analysis. Data need to be re-shaped, re-arranged, and re-formatted, so that they can be visualized or be inputted into a machine learning algorithm. This course addresses the problem of wrangling your data so [...]

Importing Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera)

Getting data into your statistical analysis system can be one of the most challenging parts of any data science project. Data must be imported and harmonized into a coherent format before any insights can be obtained. You will learn how to get data into R from commonly used formats [...]

Introduction to the Tidyverse (Coursera)

This course introduces a powerful set of data science tools known as the Tidyverse. The Tidyverse has revolutionized the way in which data scientists do almost every aspect of their job. We will cover the simple idea of "tidy data" and how this idea serves to organize data for [...]

Publishing Visualizations in R with Shiny and flexdashboard (Coursera)

This course is the fourth in the Specialization "Data Visualization and Dashboarding in R." Learners will come to this course with a strong background in making visualization in R using ggplot2. To build on those skills, this course covers creating interactive visualization using Shiny, as well as combining different [...]