Information Systems Foundations Specialization

Elevate Your Career as a Tech Leader. Master the art of modeling business applications and prepare yourself for the professional world of information systems.
The Information Systems Foundations specialization provides an immersive experience into software development and information systems across four courses. Designed to progressively build from basic concepts to advanced applications, it aims to arm you with practical skills in software engineering, domain modeling, and Python programming. Beginning with advanced software engineering techniques and systems thinking, this specialization advances through object-oriented programming, culminating in hands-on Python projects that tackle real-world problems. Throughout this specialization, you'll master the art of modeling significant business applications swiftly and effectively, preparing you for challenges in the professional world of information systems.

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Basic Programming in Python II (Coursera)

This hands-on Python programming course offers students an opportunity to obtain proficiency in the core concepts of Python as well as the programming skills for building applications using tools from various task-specific Python libraries. The course covers important topics in computer science and information systems such as data types, [...]

Basic Programming in Python I (Coursera)

This hands-on Python programming course offers students an opportunity to obtain proficiency in the core concepts of Python as well as the programming skills for building applications using tools from various task-specific Python libraries. The course covers important topics in computer science and information systems such as data types, [...]

Introduction to Domain Models (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Introduction to Domain Models (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is a continuation of the Introduction to Software Development and Applications course. In this course, you will dive further into exploring software engineering techniques and their application to real-world business problems. Students who take this course will be equipped with practical design and programming techniques for the [...]

Introduction to Software Development and Applications (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Introduction to Software Development and Applications (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The primary objectives of this course are to introduce software engineering techniques and their application to real-world business problems. You will be equipped with practical design and programming techniques for the purpose of modeling significant business applications quickly.