Graphic Design

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Comercialice su nuevo negocio con Canva (Coursera)

Al final de este proyecto, usted habrá aprendido a comercializar y anunciar su nuevo negocio usando Canva. Usted creará un logotipo de la empresa, una tarjeta de presentación y un folleto usando Canva. Crearemos diseños desde cero y usaremos plantillas que modificaremos. Usted podrá incorporar un esquema [...]

Introducción a PicsArt para Redes Sociales (Coursera)

Consumidores hoy en día están constantemente saturados con información e imágenes en las redes sociales. Parte del social media marketing es aprender maneras creativas para atraer la atención a productos y servicios , con un presupuesto que muchas veces es magro.

Crear un Kit de Bienvenida para el Cliente con Canva (Coursera)

En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 1 hora de duración, aprenderás a crear un Kit de Bienvenida para Clientes en Canva 1, estructurar tus ideas para tu kit 2, disenar tus paginas segun tu estructura 3). preparar tus paginas digitales para imprimir.

Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will have the ability to develop and design a target market analysis graphic, a sales CRM workflow graphic, and a data chart graphic using Canva. A web-based graphic design tool, Canva offers free accounts with broad access to facilitate visual content development. [...]

Create a Storyboard using Canva (Coursera)

By the end of this project, you will learn how to create a storyboard from scratch using the free version of Canva. Storyboards are sequential breakdowns of each shot for a visual presentation. A visual presentation can include animation, live-action video, sales and marketing pitches. We can use [...]

Digital Information Literacy (Coursera)

A Digital Artifact is an object that represents one’s learning. In today’s changing educational landscape, more courses call for a visual item as opposed to a “traditional” assignment or project. There are a multitude of free tools and software at our fingertips. This online course will provide tips, suggestions, [...]

Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Software Overview (Coursera)

Designing for an organization, while requiring technical skill, is not just about knowing how to use a pagination program such as InDesign or manipulate photos using Photoshop. A designer is a visual storyteller, a person who pairs words with images and typography to best convey information to an audience. [...]

Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience (Coursera)

Graphic design projects can be delivered in either a printed format or a digital format, or both. This course will look at how to work with creative professionals to get the ideal usage out of a design to use in print medium such as logos, brochures and larger printed [...]

Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing (Coursera)

Graphic design is telling a story by using both images and text. With that definition in mind, this course will focus on the textual elements of graphic design. From the history of typography, the difference between type, fonts and text as well as exposure to typography spacing, students will [...]

Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats (Coursera)

Examining and exploring the various types of images and graphic elements will be the focus of this course. We will start with color theory to distinguish between CMYK, Pantone and RGB color options and their usages. Then we will review the various types of images used in both print [...]