Disruptive Innovation

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Blockchain Business Models (Coursera)

Blockchain is an emerging and highly disruptive technology that is poorly understood. In this course you will learn what blockchain is and how it can create value by tokenization in cryptocurrencies and in many other practical applications. The applications include: stablecoins (like Facebook’s Libra and JP Morgan’s JPMCoin), machine [...]

Innovation Management: Winning in the Age of Disruption (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Innovation Management: Winning in the Age of Disruption (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Not all organisations innovate, and those that do often find it difficult to initiate, develop, and deliver innovation consistently. Innovation management is crucial in leading valuable change and profits for companies of all sizes. This course will give you the skills for successful strategic innovation by exploring how [...]

Digital Disruption (Coursera)

In this exciting online course you can understand how technology, strategy and digital business models are important to be innovative in your job. Also, you will understand what disruption is and which are the most disruptive technologies to articulate business strategy in times of digital innovation and and be [...]

FinTech Disruptive Innovation: Implications for Society (Coursera)

This course “FinTech Disruptive Innovation: Implications for Society” help you understand how disruptive innovations create opportunity in finance industry and its impact to society especially your career. You would be able to examine and analyse how FinTech innovations would affect companies that relates to FinTech services and how it [...]

Innovation and International Strategy (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Innovation and International Strategy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The 21st century competitive landscape is characterized by rapid technological change and globalization. How do companies compete and succeed in such an environment? First, companies must engage in continuous innovation to sustain their competitive advantage. This course is designed to equip students with a deep understanding of why innovation [...]

Innovación en el mundo corporativo (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Innovación en el mundo corporativo (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Implementar procesos de innovación corporativa hace que las organizaciones consigan enfrentar más fácilmente los desafíos del mercado y respondan de forma ágil y estructurada a las necesidades de sus usuarios, obteniendo así resultados diferentes, valiosos y transformadores, que logran dinamizarlas y darles [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
41.00 EUR

Strategic Innovation: Managing Innovation Initiatives (Coursera)

You may have noticed that what is new often behaves differently than what has become accepted over time, whether it is in a market, or a technology, or involves people and firms. Much research supports these general ideas, and this course builds on them to help you develop [...]

Global Environment and Trends in Technological Innovation (edX)

Identification of the relevant factors in the competitive environment of companies, and the contemporary technological innovation trends. Nowadays, competitiveness of companies suffer an impact not only by economical, political, social, environmental, and health trends; technological innovation trends are relevant factors in the design of business models that are necessary [...]

UX Design (edX)

Master Design Thinking and UX Design through user-centred design to deliver innovative user experiences. Learn divergent ideation methods to bring creativity to problem-solving, and convergent ideation methods to innovate within your business context. Brainstorm, brainstorm! UX Design is not just about having ideas! The user-centred approach fuels innovation in [...]

Digital Transformations (Coursera)

Information Technology (IT) is fast changing the world around us. This course will provide you an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create value and win competitive battles. The course is divided into three parts – the first part of [...]