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Violences et religions (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Violences et religions (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La question « violences et religions » est d’actualité, et pas seulement depuis les attentats d’Al-Qaïda ou de Daech. Pour bien la comprendre, ce cours propose de prendre du recul et de l’envisager sous un angle historique et comparatiste. Le domaine concerné étant l’espace euro-méditerranéen, ce sont essentiellement le [...]

A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) (Coursera)

This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We [...]

Western Religions & Ecology (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Western Religions & Ecology (Coursera)
Course Auditing
At first glance the fields of religion and ecology may seem and unlikely pairing, but a deeper consideration reveals the two have a great deal to contribute to one another and are indeed inextricably linked. Religions recognize the unity and interdependence of humans with nature. Ecological sciences affirm this [...]

The Politics of Skepticism (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
The Politics of Skepticism (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is a course about the history of Skepticism from the ancient Greeks to today, with special attention to the political ramifications of questioning man's ability to know the world and himself with any certainty. We will discuss the debates raging between Plato and the Sophists, the rise of [...]

Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah (Coursera)

The Arch of Titus: Rome and the Menorah explores one of the most significant Roman monuments to survive from antiquity, from the perspectives of Roman, Jewish and later Christian history and art. The Arch of Titus commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem by the emperor Titus in 70 CE, an [...]

Christian Virtues for Spiritual Growth (Coursera)

This Duke Divinity+ course is for all those who seek to cultivate their interior lives and to develop a way of thinking about ethics inspired by Christian tradition. In this course, renowned theologian Stanley Hauerwas reflects on the significance of specific virtues for understanding what it means to [...]

Christianity & Ecology (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Christianity & Ecology (Coursera)
Course Auditing
There is a need for broader literacy and deeper knowledge of the world’s religions and their ecological contributions. This course is designed as a gateway to the rich ecological dimensions of the Christian religious tradition. We delve into unique contributions from Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Christianity, exploring views on [...]

Structuring Values in Modern China (Coursera)

This sequence of four courses will propose a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of Chinese cultural history conceived of as a succession of modes of rationality (philosophical, bureaucratic, and economic). The focus will be on the moments of paradigm shift from one mode of rationality to another. For each [...]

Religion, Conflict and Peace (edX)

Self Paced
Religion, Conflict and Peace (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore the diverse and complex roles that religions play in both promoting and mitigating violence. In this course, we will explore a series of contemporary conflicts in different regions of the world with a special focus on identifying and analyzing the diverse and complex roles that religions play in [...]

Christianity Through Its Scriptures (edX)

Self Paced
Christianity Through Its Scriptures (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about Christianity through a study of its sacred scriptures. We will explore how diverse Christians have interpreted these writings and practiced their teachings over a 2000 year, global history. Christianity is a global religion. From modest beginnings 2,000 years ago, it has grown to encompass nearly a third [...]