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Sustainable Energy (edX)

Learn to critically analyze modern energy technologies from engineering and socio-political perspectives, and gain the skills necessary to help the world meet rising energy demand while reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change.

Industrial Biotechnology (Coursera)

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need [...]

Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism (Coursera)

Everyone knows that energy is essential for sustaining life. How can you define energy in life? Have ever thought about ways of how carbohydrates like glucose from your diet can be used for extracting energy? A scientific field that focuses on energy production and flow though living cells and [...]

Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Understand the principles of bioenergy and learn how to harness this form of renewable energy to achieve sustainability. Learn about the principles and environmental implications of bioenergy. On this two week course, you will explore bioenergy, one of the most diverse and readily available sources of renewable energy. You’ll look [...]

Biochemistry: the Molecules of Life (FutureLearn)

Explore the impact of biochemistry on bioenergy and health, discovering why graduates are in demand; with the Biochemical Society. Biochemistry brings together all of the sciences to study the chemical and physical processes that occur in living organisms. It truly is the science of life. As a scientific discipline [...]

Biobased Economy Green Chemistry (Canvas Network)

This self-paced online course, powered by Avans Hogeschool and HZ University of Applied Sciences, brings you online instructional videos, exercises, interesting guest speakers and discussions. We focus on such aspects as biorefinery, nutrients, biopolymers and bioenergy, and many more. You receive an overview of the entire chain from several [...]