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Education on climate change: water and soil (Coursera)

This course delves into the connection between water, climate change, and how living organisms adapt to these shifts. It also explores concepts related to agriculture, food, and food sovereignty. Additionally, it introduces a range of online games that enhance the integration and practical application of the developing conceptual [...]

Drainage in Agriculture: controlling water and salt levels in the soil (edX)

Get prepared for heavier rainfall and the increasing demand for food! The #1 Agricultural University of the world will teach you how to design and implement effective drainage systems in agriculture. You will learn how to create a perfect soil profile for optimal growing conditions for a crop and [...]

Population, Food, and Soil (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Population, Food, and Soil (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course explores the population-environment relationship. In this course, you will learn about the human population and the ways in which changes in the population affect the environment. Agriculture, soils, and the environmental implications of eating meat, vegetables, local, organic, sustainable, industrial, and other types of food are discussed [...]

Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Biosphere 2 Science for the Future of Our Planet (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you ready to take an incredible journey around Planet Earth and beyond? In this course, you will delve into a world of innovative science and learn from a team of Biosphere 2 and University of Arizona researchers. From plants and soils, to oceans and rainforests, the Moon, Mars, [...]

Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050 (Coursera)

The Discover Best Practice Farming for a Sustainable 2050 Course is based on a clear vision: imagine best practice farming for 2050, start to implement these strategies now, all the while making sure it will still be profitable. At UWA we're doing just that with the Future Farm [...]

Ecosystems of California (Coursera)

This course surveys the diversity, structure and functioning of California’s ecosystems through time and the ways they have influenced and responded to human activities and stewardship. Topics include ecosystem drivers such as climate, soils, and land use history; human and ecological prehistory of the state; comparative marine, freshwater, and [...]

L’eau et les sols - Hydrodynamique des milieux poreux (edX)

Ce cours de spécialisation vous donnera les clés pour comprendre, modéliser et mesurer les processus de transferts de l’eau dans le sol. Comment l’eau de pluie s'infiltre-t-elle dans le sol (et quelle partie ruisselle) ? Quelle est la recharge d’une nappe ? Quelle quantité d’eau un sol peut-il retenir [...]

Climate Change Education (edX)

Learn how to work with your students to help them explore climate change through the use of interactive and engaging activities. These activities are designed for students at the primary and secondary levels. Our climate is changing rapidly, and now more than ever we need to be ready to [...]

Citizen Science: Living Soils, Growing Food (FutureLearn)

Learn about approaches to food growing that can help regenerate soil and solve environmental issues. Use regenerative growing practices in your own garden. Soil loss and degradation are serious issues all over the world. We need to find effective regenerative practices to solve many local and global environmental challenges. [...]