Basic Science

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Understanding Plants - Part II: Fundamentals of Plant Biology (Coursera)

This class is aimed at people interested in understanding the basic science of plant biology. In this four lecture series, we'll first learn about the structure-function of plants and of plant cells. Then we'll try to understand how plants grow and develop, making such complex structures as flowers. Once [...]

Understanding Plants - Part I: What a Plant Knows (Coursera)

For centuries we have collectively marveled at plant diversity and form—from Charles Darwin’s early fascination with stems and flowers to Seymour Krelborn’s distorted doting in Little Shop of Horrors. This course intends to present an intriguing and scientifically valid look at how plants themselves experience the world—from the colors [...]

Introduction to Genetics and Evolution (Coursera)

Introduction to Genetics and Evolution is a college-level class being offered simultaneously to new students at Duke University. The course gives interested people a very basic overview of some principles behind these very fundamental areas of biology. We often hear about new "genome sequences," commercial kits that can [...]

Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Translating Basic Research into Research for Humans (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The first phase of translational research — known as “T1” — is the process of moving foundational scientific discoveries into possible approaches for real-world health applications. This course focuses on innovations in basic science discovery, including drug discovery and repurposing and animal studies, that lead to new methods of [...]

The Big Stuff: Evolution and Ecology (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore how evolution works to generate new species, the wide variety of life on earth. We will also touch on the importance of biodiversity for the overall health of our planet, and for our well being as humans. Then we will discuss ecology and [...]

Biology Everywhere Foundations (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the nature of science and biology. We will discuss what the “biology everywhere” philosophy means and the history of the “biology everywhere” project. We will also discuss what science (and biology) are as a discipline of inquiry and how chemistry is foundational to [...]

Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods (Coursera)

The course will cover the topics related to antimicrobial resistance with basic definitions and overview on antimicrobials their use and the emergence and spread of resistance. The course will guide you through the concepts and the importance of resistance spread and dissemination and how that happens. It will [...]

Classical papers in molecular genetics (Coursera)

You have all heard about the DNA double helix and genes. Many of you know that mutations occur randomly, that the DNA sequence is read by successive groups of three bases (the codons), that many genes encode enzymes, and that gene expression can be regulated. These concepts were proposed [...]

Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center (Coursera)

In this course we briefly introduce the DCIC and the various Centers that collect data for LINCS. We then cover metadata and how metadata is linked to ontologies. We then present data processing and normalization methods to clean and harmonize LINCS data. This follow discussions about how data is [...]

Gut Check: Exploring your Microbiome (Coursera)

Imagine if there were an organ in your body that weighed as much as your brain, that affected your health, your weight, and even your behavior. Wouldn’t you want to know more about it? There is such an organ — the collection of microbes in and on your body, your human microbiome.