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Forensic Science: DNA Analysis (edX)

With an introduction to both genetics and forensic science, this course will show you the role of DNA in criminal investigations. Case studies illustrate how forensic investigations have changed with advances in genetics and how future developments will affect criminals and investigators.

Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life (Coursera)

What is a genome? A genome contains all of the information that a cell needs to develop, function, and reproduce itself, and all the information needed for those cells to come together to form a person, plant, or animal. Genomes contain an organism’s complete set of genes, and also [...]

Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners (Coursera)

Are you interested in learning how to program (in Python) within a scientific setting? This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python.

Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I) (Coursera)

This course begins a series of classes illustrating the power of computing in modern biology. Please join us on the frontier of bioinformatics to look for hidden messages in DNA without ever needing to put on a lab coat. In the first half of the course, we investigate DNA [...]

The Little Stuff: Energy, Cells, and Genetics (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the smaller side of biology: molecular biology. We’ll cover basic topics including cell biology and how cells can go “rogue” and turn into cancer, how energy from the sun is transferred to fuel our bodies, basics of genetics and inheritance, and genetic technologies. [...]

Classical papers in molecular genetics (Coursera)

You have all heard about the DNA double helix and genes. Many of you know that mutations occur randomly, that the DNA sequence is read by successive groups of three bases (the codons), that many genes encode enzymes, and that gene expression can be regulated. These concepts were proposed [...]

Introduction to Forensic Science (Coursera)

We have all seen forensic scientists in TV shows, but how do they really work? What is the science behind their work? The course aims to explain the scientific principles and techniques behind the work of forensic scientists and will be illustrated with numerous case studies from Singapore and [...]

Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators (Coursera)

How have advances in genetics affected society? What do we need to know to make ethical decisions about genetic technologies? This course includes the study of cloning, genetic enhancement, and ownership of genetic information. Course participants will acquire the tools to explore the ethics of modern genetics and learn [...]

Contemporary Biology (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to biology as it applies to our everyday life. Learners will explore the interplay between science and self through a personalized case study of themselves and their environment. By the end of the course, learners will be able to recognize the interactions among natural [...]

Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI) (Coursera)

In previous courses in the Specialization, we have discussed how to sequence and compare genomes. This course will cover advanced topics in finding mutations lurking within DNA and proteins. In the first half of the course, we would like to ask how an individual's genome differs from the "reference [...]