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Algoritmos de negociación basados en machine learning​ (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Algoritmos de negociación basados en machine learning​ (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso brinda una introducción a los mercados de capital, la formación de precios, el retorno, la volatilidad, los principios del análisis técnico de activos financieros, algoritmos de negociación basados en modelos de clasificación de machine learning, y sus aplicaciones a estrategias de inversión activas de corto [...]

Introducción al Mercado (Coursera)

El estudio de mercado nos ayuda a identificar y definir oportunidades y problemas de mercado, para generar y evaluar estrategias de promoción y venta de los productos y/o servicios de tu empresa o idea de negocio, y a su vez mejorar la relación que existe entre la empresa y [...]

Fundamentos del marketing mix (Coursera)

En este curso haremos una introducción a las cuatro Ps del marketing (producto, precio, promoción y plaza), y te hará analizar estratégicamente tu producto o servicio.

Marketing estratégico: claves para competir con éxito (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Marketing estratégico: claves para competir con éxito (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El papel del marketing difiere entre empresas y sectores. Además, la visión que los profesionales tienen del mismo depende del nivel jerárquico dentro de la organización, así como del bagaje profesional de cada uno. Quizá por ello, a menudo es mal entendido y reducido a un nivel táctico exclusivamente [...]

Consumer Price Index (edX)

Consumer price index (CPI) data are essential inputs for sound policies. Policymakers require reliable measures of price change to make sound policy decisions. In addition, wages, salaries, government payments, pensions, rent, and other payments are indexed to the CPI and require accurate estimates of inflation. Learn the key concepts [...]

Services Marketing: Concepts & Applications (edX)

Learn the core concepts of marketing services and their applications across industries and businesses from a customer as well as a managerial perspective. The spectrum of services is remarkably diverse. As consumers, we continue to add services to make our lives simpler, productive and more enjoyable. Be it banking, [...]

Manage Your Prices: an Introduction to Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management (FutureLearn)

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 Manage Your Prices: an Introduction to Pricing Strategy and Revenue Management (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn to use pricing strategies to increase your firm’s revenue, and set the right price for the right person at the right time. How do airlines, hotels, resorts and other organisations manage their prices? Why are these prices apparently unrelated to costs and different for each consumer? And what [...]

What Influences Property Value? (FutureLearn)

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What Influences Property Value? (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the factors that influence property values and house prices with this online course. Our homes provide shelter, sanctuary and comfort, but they’re also a source of wealth. So what makes some properties more valuable than others? Find out with this course.
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Course Auditing
79.00 GBP

Economics: Consumer Demand (edX)

Learn the fundamental economic principles of consumer demand and how the relationship between price, quantity and demand affect the market. Demand is a simple yet challenging concept that is essential to understanding how markets function. In this economics course, you will gain a solid understanding of demand, its underlying [...]

Entrepreneurship 103: Show Me The Money (edX)

Self Paced
Entrepreneurship 103: Show Me The Money (edX)
Course Auditing
Your startup needs to get cash positive as soon as possible – and ultimately, profitable. This is how you get there. Successful entrepreneurship ultimately comes down to three questions: Are you solving a real problem? Do you have a superior solution? Can you sustainably deliver the solution?