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Introduction to R Programming and Tidyverse (Coursera)

This course is a gentle introduction to programming in R designed for 3 types of learners. It will be right for you, if: you want to do data analysis but don’t know programming; you know programming but aren’t familiar with R; you know some R programming but want to [...]

Data Science with R - Capstone Project (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Data Science with R - Capstone Project (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this capstone course, you will apply various data science skills and techniques that you have learned as part of the previous courses in the IBM Data Science with R Specialization or IBM Data Analytics with Excel and R Professional Certificate. For this project, you will assume the role [...]

Visualizing Data in the Tidyverse (Coursera)

Data visualization is a critical part of any data science project. Once data have been imported and wrangled into place, visualizing your data can help you get a handle on what’s going on in the data set. Similarly, once you’ve completed your analysis and are ready to present your [...]

Publishing Visualizations in R with Shiny and flexdashboard (Coursera)

This course is the fourth in the Specialization "Data Visualization and Dashboarding in R." Learners will come to this course with a strong background in making visualization in R using ggplot2. To build on those skills, this course covers creating interactive visualization using Shiny, as well as combining different [...]

Advanced Data Visualization with R (Coursera)

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every worker needs today. One of the critical tools for data visualization today is the R statistical programming [...]

Building Data Visualization Tools (Coursera)

The data science revolution has produced reams of new data from a wide variety of new sources. These new datasets are being used to answer new questions in way never before conceived. Visualization remains one of the most powerful ways draw conclusions from data, but the influx of new [...]

Exploratory Data Analysis for the Public Sector with ggplot (Coursera)

Learn about the core pillars of the public sector and the core functions of public administration through statistical Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). Learn analytical and technical skills using the R programming language to explore, visualize, and present data, with a focus on equity and the administrative functions of planning [...]

Data Visualization (Coursera)

In the era of big data, acquiring the ability to analyze and visually represent “Big Data” in a compelling manner is crucial. Therefore, it is essential for data scientists to develop the skills in producing and critically interpreting digital maps, charts, and graphs. Data visualization is an increasingly important [...]

Exploratory Data Analysis (Coursera)

This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by [...]

Data Science: Visualization (edX)

Learn basic data visualization principles and how to apply them using ggplot2. This course covers the basics of data visualization and exploratory data analysis. We will use three motivating examples and ggplot2, a data visualization package for the statistical programming language R.