Programming Languages

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Computational Thinking with Javascript 1: Draw & Animate (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Computational Thinking with Javascript 1: Draw & Animate (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the first course in a sequence of four courses that develops essential 21st century computational thinking (CT) skills using the popular JavaScript language as a vehicle. At the end of this first course you will: know a framework for CT to help you learn about it and [...]

Programming Languages Ⅰ (Coursera)

The goal of this course is to help students: learn new languages quickly; evaluate various languages and pick the most suitable one for a given task; know when and how to design a little language, and; understand the effects of languages on thought and communication.

Introducción a Java (Coursera)

Me llamo Elisa Viso y una de mis pasiones es la de programar y enseñar a programar. El lenguaje Java es uno de los que más me ha gustado en mis 45 años que llevo programando. Si bien te podrá parecer un poco complicado empezar a programar en Java, [...]

Rebo-binario (Coursera)

Te damos la bienvenida al curso en línea Rebo-binario, un curso diseñado para incentivar el desarrollo de habilidades mentales relacionados al pensamiento computacional y creativo para la resolución de problemas y la reflexión crítica. Para lograr este cometido echamos mano de estrategias del pensamiento computacional y la creatividad como [...]

AI and the Illusion of Intelligence (Coursera)

Will AI soon be surpassing humans? This is rapidly becoming one of the central questions of our time -- but it is the wrong question. In this course, we will provide a non-technical look at where AI has come from, and where it is going. We will see that [...]

Effective Programming in Scala (Coursera)

Scala is an expressive, versatile, and safe programming language. In this course, you will learn how to get the most out of Scala to solve common programming tasks such as modeling business domains, breaking down complex problems into simpler problems, manipulating data, or running parallel tasks. Along the journey, [...]

Introduction to R Programming for Data Science (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction to R Programming for Data Science (Coursera)
Course Auditing
When working in the data science field you will definitely become acquainted with the R language and the role it plays in data analysis. This course introduces you to the basics of the R language such as data types, techniques for manipulation, and how to implement fundamental programming tasks. [...]

Introduction to Java as a Second Language (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction to Java as a Second Language (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is meant to be an introduction to Java as a second language, if you are familiar with any computer programming language. It could be shell scripting, knowledge of older Java versions, JavaScript, etc. This course will allow you to quickly pick up the Java programming language. You [...]

Programming with Scratch (Coursera)

Learning coding is not only about understanding the programming language being used, but also developing important computational thinking skills, which are useful for problem solving across many disciplinary areas. In this course, students will learn basic programming skills by creating interactive storybooks, animations, and games with Scratch, which is [...]