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Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)
Free Course
Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) son actores clave del desarrollo y tienen aportes valiosos que ofrecer. Desempeñan diversas funciones —por ejemplo, en materia de asistencia humanitaria, prestación de servicios, investigación, formulación de políticas, así como asegurar la rendición de cuentas de parte de gobiernos y otros grupos [...]

L’engagement efficace de la société civile dans le développement (Coursera)

Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) sont des acteurs clés du développement qui ont des contributions précieuses à apporter. Elles jouent une multitude de rôles – notamment en lien avec l’aide humanitaire, la prestation de services, la recherche et l’élaboration de politiques, et avec la responsabilisation des gouvernements [...]

Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development (Coursera)

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in development that have valuable contributions to make. They play a multitude of roles - including in relation to humanitarian assistance, service-delivery, research and policy development, and pursuing accountability from governments and other stakeholders – all of which can significantly contribute to [...]

Critical Issues in Urban Education (Coursera)

Urban school reform in the United States is characterized by contentious, politicized debate. This course explores a set of critical issues in the education and educational reform space, with a focus on aspects of the field that have sparked controversy and polarized views. We will dig into these debates, [...]

The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process (Coursera)

The third course in this Specialization introduces you to the factors that influence how effective boards of directors will be in carrying out their roles and responsibilities and hence the impact they have in shaping the success of the organization they govern. While this course has been developed with [...]

Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector, Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Leadership and Governance (Coursera)

This course introduces you to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit organizations, and the concepts of leadership and governance. While this course has been developed with North American culture in mind, we do appreciate that in other parts of the world the nature of the nonprofit sector, nonprofit organizations, nonprofit leadership [...]

Cloud Computing for Enterprises (edX)

Understand cloud computing technologies and how they can increase business productivity and effectiveness. Organizations are increasingly moving their critical information and assets to the cloud. Understand the technology, best practices, and economics of cloud computing, and the rewards and risks of this rush to the [...]

Time Management for Beginners (edX)

Today, people find it hard to get time. There is so much to do and so little time on hand. Interestingly, we all have the same time, and we all have 24-hour days. It depends on how you use that time. We cannot store time, nor can we borrow [...]

Feedback : A Powerful Tool for Efficiency and Effectiveness (edX)

In most of the studies and literature on Organisational Behaviour, little has been said or written about feedback and its powerful impact. Because of its evaluative and corrective nature, it has a strong impact on the receiver's thoughts. There are two sides to every feedback situation: the giver and [...]

Managing People: Understanding Individual Differences (FutureLearn)

Understand how personalities and individual differences affect the performance of individuals in the workplace. Explore the link between individual behaviour and organisational success. Individual personalities and behaviour can have a significant impact on a business. On this course you will develop your understanding of personality and individual differences and [...]