Complex Data

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Python Data Analysis (Coursera)

This course will continue the introduction to Python programming that started with Python Programming Essentials and Python Data Representations. We'll learn about reading, storing, and processing tabular data, which are common tasks. We will also teach you about CSV files and Python's support for reading and writing [...]

Inheritance and Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive look at Java inheritance, including access modifiers and overriding methods. Students are introduced to abstract classes, and will learn how to read and write to files, use regular expressions for parsing text, and how to leverage complex data structures like collections and maps. [...]

Combining and Analyzing Complex Data (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to use survey weights to estimate descriptive statistics, like means and totals, and more complicated quantities like model parameters for linear and logistic regressions. Software capabilities will be covered with R® receiving particular emphasis. The course will also cover the [...]

How to Code: Complex Data (edX)

Learn how to design more complex programs, using new data structures, abstraction, and generative recursion. As your program requirements get more complex, you will find that simple additions to the design method make it easy to write well-structured and well-tested code that is easy to maintain. By learning how [...]