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Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity (Coursera)

In this course we will examine the incredible variety of life that inhabits this planet including microorganisms, plants, and animals. For each of the major groups we’ll learn about their characteristics, functions, and how they came into existence as well as some of the roles they play in the [...]

Introduction to Biology: Evolution (Coursera)

Evolution is one of the most interesting fields within biology, and one that’s central to a complete understanding of modern biology. We begin by tracing how Charles Darwin developed a theory of evolution by natural selection and the many ways that biologists have advanced the science of evolution since [...]

Introduction to Biology: Ecology (Coursera)

Ecology is all about connections. In this course, we’ll see how interdependent every living thing is and how people are impacting the natural world. Like all sciences, ecology isn’t just a list of known facts– it’s also a process. I love telling stories, and I’ve included many stories about [...]

Contemporary Biology (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to biology as it applies to our everyday life. Learners will explore the interplay between science and self through a personalized case study of themselves and their environment. By the end of the course, learners will be able to recognize the interactions among natural [...]

Specialty Topics: Biology Across Disciplines (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the applicability and relationship of biology to the arts, business, and psychology. First, we’ll discuss art as a foundational practice to biology and how biology as a science can explain how we interact with the arts, in particular, our experiences making and listening [...]

Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions (Coursera)

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in [...]

Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life (Coursera)

Before the advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, most scientists believed that it should be possible to predict the behavior of any object in the universe simply by understanding the behavior of its constituent parts. For instance, if one could write down the equations of motion [...]

Biology Meets Programming: Bioinformatics for Beginners (Coursera)

Are you interested in learning how to program (in Python) within a scientific setting? This course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges helping you implement these algorithms in Python.

Dog Emotion and Cognition (Coursera)

Dog Emotion and Cognition will introduce you to the exciting new study of dog psychology, what the latest discoveries tell us about how dogs think and feel about us, and how we can use this new knowledge to further strengthen our relationship with our best friends.