Military Transition

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Making Your Military Transition a Transformation (Coursera)

Transitioning from the military can be an unsettled and challenging time. This course will help transitioning military members, and their spouses, transform their post-military experience by designing the life they truly want. In this course we will talk about common transition pitfalls and walk you through the process of [...]

Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Veteran Sponsorship Initiative (VSI) provides manualized, certification training to individuals interested in supporting service members and veterans as they transition from military service. The VSI is an evidence-based program designed to reduce transition stressors by matching service members with a community-based sponsor who [...]