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Introduction to Personal Branding (Coursera)

Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that brand. Learners will: understand both what personal branding means and what it means to inhabit their brand o Establish themselves on at least [...]

The Control Phase for the 6 σ Black Belt (Coursera)

Jun 17th 2024
The Control Phase for the 6 σ Black Belt (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed for professionals interested in learning the principles of Lean Sigma, the DMAIC process and DFSS. This course is number 7 of 8 in this specialization dealing with topics in the Control Phase of Six Sigma. Professionals with some completed coursework in statistics and a [...]

Digitalisation in the Aerospace Industry (Coursera)

The online course Digitalisation in Aerospace aims at making you aware of special production requirements connected with digitalisation. You will learn about the role of robotics and automation in manufacturing and gain a better understanding of differing perspectives on research and manufacturing as well as the points where these [...]

Information Systems Auditing, Controls and Assurance (Coursera)

Information systems (IS) are important assets to business organizations and are ubiquitous in our daily lives. With the latest IS technologies emerging, such as Big Data, FinTech, Virtual Banks, there are more concerns from the public on how organizations maintain systems’ integrity, such as data privacy, information security, the [...]

RPA Lifecycle: Deployment and Maintenance (Coursera)

Robotic Process Automation (or RPA) implementation is conducted over multiple critical phases. In the Discovery phase, you identify the business processes beneficial for automation. In the Design phase, you create an RPA plan for automating them. In the Development and Testing phase, you execute the RPA plan and develop [...]

Safety First: EV Maintenance & Best Practices (Coursera)

Jun 10th 2024
Safety First: EV Maintenance & Best Practices (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In today's ever-changing automotive landscape, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is reshaping our approach to driving and car maintenance. Welcome to our comprehensive 75-minute video course on Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Safety. This course is essential in the modern world as the shift towards sustainable transportation makes understanding [...]