Cultural Awareness

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American Politics, Society, and History (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
American Politics, Society, and History (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the American Politics, Society, and History course! This course seeks to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of American history, politics, society, and culture. The United States has been a beacon in the international community as a constitutional liberal democracy. Through this course, you will gain insight [...]

India-US Relations: Geopolitics, Culture, and Business (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
India-US Relations: Geopolitics, Culture, and Business (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the India-US Relations: Geopolitics, Culture, and Business course! This course seeks to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the intense ties between India and the US. The government-to-government interactions are elaborated by focusing on the strategic ties between the two countries and the business relationship. You [...]

Intercultural Communications in the Workplace (edX)

Throughout this comprehensive course, participants will delve into the intricacies of cross-cultural interactions, examining how cultural differences impact negotiation strategies, communication styles, and relationship-building.

Approaches to Operationalizing One Health (edX)

Learn how to put One Health into practice. While One Health is broadly accepted as an approach to understanding issues at the interface of human, animal, and environmental health, its interdisciplinary nature can make operationalizing the approach challenging. Students will learn how to use several tools in a community-based [...]

Pathways to Exploring and Understanding One Health Connections (edX)

This course will present several “Wicked Problems” and explore them from a One Health approach. This process will help students see how using a multi-disciplinary, cross cultural approach to understanding the root causes of these issues supports a construction of resilient and sustainable solutions.

Creating Audio Description: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (FutureLearn)

Explore how to design and create audio descriptions and audio introductions that fully represent a film, play, or TV programme. Design inclusive audio descriptions for film, theatre, and TV Audio description (AD) is a key means by which the full diversity of a programme, film, or live performance can be [...]

Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics (FutureLearn)

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Interpreting for Refugees: Contexts, Practices and Ethics (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn skills to meet the challenges of interpreting for refugees and share your experiences with other interpreters in the sector. Learn about humanitarian interpreting and the role of the interpreter. On this course, you’ll discover the role of the interpreter and explore the specific challenges of interpreting for refugees. [...]