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Health Coaching Conversations (Coursera)

May 22nd 2024
Health Coaching Conversations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you a healthcare practitioner or student in a healthcare field? Do you want to learn how to have more empowering conversations with your patients and support them to take control of their own health and wellbeing? Are you looking for a course to start learning these skills that [...]

Tu consultorio de Coaching en las ondas (Coursera)

Este MOOC, Coaching en las ondas, da respuesta a la necesidad de los directivos o responsables de equipos de aprender nuevas estrategias que les permitan dar respuestas adecuadas a los grupos con los que interactúan. Esta aproximación a la gestión de los equipos se efectúa mediante los recursos del [...]

Inspirar el liderazgo a través de la inteligencia emocional (Coursera)

La inteligencia emocional, la esperanza, la atención plena y la compasión ayudan a una persona a revertir el daño del estrés crónico y a construir excelentes relaciones de liderazgo. Los atractores emocionales positivos y negativos inspiran cambios y aprendizajes sostenidos y deseados en muchos [...]

Science of Training Young Athletes Part 2 (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to design the type of training that takes advantage of the plastic nature of the athlete’s body so you mold the right phenotype for a sport. We explore ways the muscular system can be designed to generate higher force and power and [...]

Setting Expectations & Assessing Performance Issues (Coursera)

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. One of the most important roles of a manager is to ensure everyone knows the destination. The most effective managers set expectations and assess their employees’ performance against those expectations, and take a coaching approach [...]

Managing as a Coach (Coursera)

Do you (or do you want to) manage employees? Have you ever wondered how to get better performance out of those you manage? Are you unsure if you are communicating effectively with your employees? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this course – and its [...]

Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In today's dynamic business environment, effective performance management is a crucial skill that sets exceptional leaders apart. This course is designed to equip managers with the principles and techniques required to manage employee performance successfully. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of performance management, including setting clear expectations, providing [...]

Leading and Developing Top Talent (Coursera)

This course offers seasoned and up-and-coming leaders a clear, concise overview of hiring for team culture, the concepts and practices of building a productive environment for remote and hybrid teams, and leading organizational strategies, which begins with developing a strategic plan, creating SMART goals, and determining the most critical [...]

Foundations of Career Navigating and Coaching (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Foundations of Career Navigating and Coaching (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is for those who are passionate about helping people find jobs aligned with their skills and interests so they can earn a living through fulfilling work. This first course in the Career Coach and Navigator Professional Certificate will provide foundational knowledge of the Career Navigator and Coach [...]

Supporting Clients (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Supporting Clients (Coursera)
Course Auditing
To reach your goal of becoming a Career Coach or Navigator, you have learned about relationship management and human-centered career coaching in course 1 and gained skills to recruit and work with clients in course 2. This third course in the Career Coach and Navigator Professional Certificate will help [...]