Wireless Network Security

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Network Defense Essentials (NDE) (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Network Defense Essentials (NDE) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Network Defense Essentials covers the fundamental concepts of information security and network defense. This introductory cybersecurity course is designed for today's entry-level information security or cybersecurity careers and is ideal for learners aspiring to pursue a career in cybersecurity. The course gives a holistic overview of the key components [...]

Segurança de TI: Defesa Contra as Artes Obscuras do Mundo Digital (Coursera)

Este curso aborda uma série de conceitos, ferramentas e práticas recomendadas de segurança de TI. Nele, temos uma introdução às ameaças e ataques e suas muitas formas de se manifestar. Daremos a você uma base de conhecimento sobre algoritmos de criptografia e como eles são usados para proteger dados. [...]

Network Defense Essentials (NDE) (edX)

Network Defense Essentials (NDE) is a first-of-its-kind MOOC certification that provides foundational knowledge and skills in network security with add-on labs for hands-on experience. Network security plays a vital role in most organizations. It is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of an organization’s networking [...]

Redes de computadores (edX)

Aprende los fundamentos de las redes de computadores, incluyendo su arquitectura, protocolos y los aspectos a considerar para hacerlas seguras. Las redes de computadores, o renombradas hoy en día como Networks of Things , son esenciales para soportar los servicios de Internet que usamos a diario, dado que soportan [...]

Be A White Hat Hacker and Pen Tester (Eduonix)

Learn how to become a certified White Hat Hacker & earn an official online White Hat Hacking Certification in this Course. Become a white hat hacker and learn all the practical techniques for penetration testing with this amazing course which will provide conceptual framework to your security training. The [...]