Social Change

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Strategies for Planned Social Change with Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Strategies for Planned Social Change with Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Many social issues are within the realm of public policy and civil organizations (NGOS), but corporations can also enable and champion social change. The business of business is more than business. As more and more companies engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR), they need to understand the ultimate users’ [...]

Music and Social Action (Coursera)

What is a musician’s response to the condition of the world? Do musicians have an obligation and an opportunity to serve the needs of the world with their musicianship? At a time of crisis for the classical music profession, with a changing commercial landscape, a shrinking audience base, and [...]

Voces de cambio social (Coursera)

En momentos de turbulencia política, desconcierto medioambiental y permanente desigualdad social, los jóvenes creadores de cambio están liderando el camino para resolver los desafíos de la actualidad. ¿Qué está haciendo usted para crear un cambio positivo y sostenible? Voces de Cambio Social es un curso corto en línea gratuito, [...]

Vozes da Mudança Social (Coursera)

Em tempos de instabilidade política, desequilíbrio ambiental e desigualdade social, jovens agentes de mudanças sociais estão liderando o caminho para solucionar os desafios da atualidade. O que você está fazendo para gerar mudanças positivas e sustentáveis? O programa Vozes da Mudança Social é um curso on-line, gratuito e de [...]

Network Dynamics of Social Behavior (Coursera)

How do revolutions emerge without anyone expecting them? How did social norms about same sex marriage change more rapidly than anyone anticipated? Why do some social innovations take off with relative ease, while others struggle for years without spreading? More generally, what are the forces that [...]

Social Norms, Social Change I (Coursera)

This is a course on social norms, the rules that glue societies together. It teaches how to diagnose social norms, and how to distinguish them from other social constructs, like customs or conventions. These distinctions are crucial for effective policy interventions aimed to create new, beneficial norms or eliminate [...]

Serious Gaming (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how playing games can help us to train people, deal with societal challenges or raise awareness of contemporary social issues? In this MOOC you will learn the ins and outs of games that are designed with exactly those purposes in mind: serious games. We will [...]

Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Cultural impact of housing displacement gentrification (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction to gentrification and to the cultural impacts of housing displacement for people in cities and neighbourhoods across the world. Gentrification is a term which has been used to describe the process by which wealthier people move into an area leading to the [...]

Social Norms, Social Change II (Coursera)

This course covers scripts and schemas, the cognitive structures in which social expectations are embedded, and their relationship with social norms. The course then examines the essentials of norm abandonment, including the relations between personal beliefs and social expectations. We will also evaluate existing intervention strategies, including legal [...]

Using Public Policy for Social Change (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Using Public Policy for Social Change (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Using Public Policy for Social Change provides a comprehensive introduction to public policy and its role in addressing societal challenges, with a focus on social inequalities. You’ll explore various areas of policy work, including social welfare, public health, the environment, education, and criminal justice. Learn the fundamentals of public [...]