Learning Design

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Create video, audio and infographics for online learning (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Create video, audio and infographics for online learning (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Multimodal texts make learning interesting. Video, podcasts and infographics not only have the capability to excite and engage, but to reach a broader demography of learners who don’t thrive on verbal language knowledge acquisition and exchange alone. Multimodal texts provide a variety of ways in which to communicate and [...]

Train the Trainer: Design Genomics and Bioinformatics Training (FutureLearn)

Apr 1st 2024
Train the Trainer: Design Genomics and Bioinformatics Training (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Discover how to plan and design engaging learning for those wanting to generate and analyse genomic data. Explore techniques for genomics training. Genomics and bioinformatics is a growing area of research with important practical implications for sectors as diverse as healthcare, food production, and environmental research. On this course, [...]

Smart Learning Design (POK)

Smart Learning Design (POK)
Free Course
Un metodo visuale per la progettazione didattica in aula e online. Il MOOC si rivolge ai docenti dell'università e della scuola, ai formatori e ai decision maker delle istituzioni educative, con l'obiettivo di fornire strumenti logici e metodologici utili ad un’efficace integrazione e valorizzazione delle risorse e delle tecnologie [...]

Blended and Online Learning Design (FutureLearn)

May 30th 2022
Blended and Online Learning Design (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn to develop the best pedagogy for your students using blended and online learning methods. Develop the skills you need to teach blended and online learning. Online learning is the future of teaching. This three-week teaching course aims to support teachers’ own innovations in teaching and learning online, whether [...]

Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design (FutureLearn)

Mar 7th 2022
Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover emerging trends in the exciting field of digital learning and learn how to transform your professional practice. How do we transform the future practice of digital learning? The demand for innovative digital learning continues to grow rapidly. In this 2-week course, you’ll examine what online learning is, who [...]

Foundations of Learning Experience Design (NovoEd)

Elevate Your Digital Learning Experiences. Over the past 3 years, NovoEd's Foundations of Learning Experience Design course has helped over 7,000 learners create engaging learning experiences using digital pedagogy and instructional design best practices.

Adventures in Innovative Learning Design and Technology (Canvas.net)

Participants will engage in a fun four-week adventure to develop a practical and experiential understanding of pedagogy, learning theory, and learning design with technology. Educators and educators-in-training in higher education, as well as teachers and educational specialists in primary and secondary schools, will find value in this [...]