Lean Management

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Camino a la Excelencia en Gestión de Proyectos (Coursera)

El curso “Camino a la excelencia en gestión de proyectos” describe los tres principales componentes de Lean Project Management (Gestión de Proyectos sin Pérdidas).

Lean Management Fundamentals (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Lean Management Fundamentals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Lean Management Fundamentals course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Lean principles and practices. Lean management is a systematic approach that focuses on eliminating waste, optimizing processes, and creating value for customers. This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to apply [...]

Lean Production (edX)

Learn how to apply key elements of lean manufacturing, such as 5S and Kaizen, to organizational processes to improve quality and productivity. Learn about lean management, a customer-centric methodology that improves processes by eliminating waste and focusing on value-added tasks. This course will introduce the main tenets of the [...]