Global Governance

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Ethics in Public Policy (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Ethics in Public Policy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the course Ethics in Public Policy! This course will help you learn about the role that ethical, moral, and cultural principles play when lawmakers and public officials formulate and execute public policy.

Geopolítica e seus Movimentos Interculturais (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Geopolítica e seus Movimentos Interculturais. Neste curso, você aprenderá conceitos sobre os impactos da geopolítica na economia, política, soberania e nas ações de acordos comerciais. Estes conceitos são fundamentais para entender o impacto intercultural que ações estratégicas de determinados países, como crises econômico-financeiras globais, impactos [...]

Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Migrations internationales : un enjeu mondial (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le monde bouge, mais les opinions et les gouvernements ne sont pas tous prêts à accepter cette réalité mal connue. La question affecte à la fois les Etats, mais aussi la planète, dans un processus de mondialisation et de régionalisation des migrations, et pose de nouvelles questions aux relations [...]

International migrations: a global issue (Coursera)

The world is moving, but not all opinions and governments are willing to accept this poorly understood reality. The issue affects both states and the planet, in a process of globalization and of regionalization of migrations, and raises new questions for international relations, now including the South. This course [...]

Geopolítica y gobernanza global: riesgos y oportunidades (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Geopolítica y gobernanza global: riesgos y oportunidades (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El mundo es global. Sus retos colectivos. Y su futuro incierto. Este curso sobre Geopolítica y gobernanza global de ESADEgeo te ayudará a entender las dinámicas sociales, económicas, energéticas y tecnológicas que definirán el mundo por venir. Desde la perspectiva de la geopolítica, queremos ayudar a los estudiantes, [...]

Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society (edX)

Self Paced
Global Challenges for a Sustainable Society (edX)
Course Auditing
Our society today is facing many challenges: climate change, hunger, inequality,… But what is the current state of these issues? How did we get here? How are all these challenges connected? And what are different possibilities to move towards a more sustainable future?

Introduction to Global Governance (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Global Governance (edX)
Course Auditing
Critical introduction to the concept, importance and analysis of global governance. In particular, this course provides an overview of the main actors involved in global governance and how these actors manage current key global challenges. Many of the most pressing challenges we are experiencing today are global. Consider climate [...]

Understanding International Relations Theory (Coursera)

The course aims to introduce the key assumptions of the international relations theory as a part of social science and as an analytic tool, focusing on the problems of war and peace, foreign policy decision-making, etc. The course combines historic approach and analysis of the modern political problems. [...]

International Affairs: Global Governance (FutureLearn)

Learn the importance of global governance and explore the processes and institutions finding solutions for global challenges. Countries across the globe are increasingly linked and dependent on each other. This can lead to tensions and confusion. This course will give you a compass to navigate our interconnected [...]

The European Union in Global Governance (iversity)

No sessions available
The European Union in Global Governance (iversity)
Free Course
What are the challenges the EU faces, and can it rise to meet them? Sign up and learn more about the EU as a global actor and its role in the international, political, economic, environmental and security arena.