Gender Equality

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Gender Equality (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Gender Equality (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Many countries are signing up to international conventions on gender equality and social inclusion to demonstrate their commitment to equal access to education, health, and social protection. In this course, you will learn what is meant by gender equality, why it is important, and how legal frameworks are used [...]

Learning for a Sustainable Future (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Learning for a Sustainable Future (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Climate change, gender equality, health, social equity, and inclusion are issues that affect us all, impacting human well-being and economic stability. How to live a sustainable life affects – and connects - us all. On this five-week course, you’ll develop an informed personal response to these major challenges as [...]

Gender and Development: Critical Theories and Approaches (edX)

Self Paced
Gender and Development: Critical Theories and Approaches (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about critical theories and topics in the field of gender and development. Gender equality is one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. As such, learning about the theoretical and practical interplay between gender and international development is of utmost importance to anyone working in or considering a [...]

SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work (edX)

Decent work is thecritical engine of sustainable development. This course explores the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and mechanisms for developing decent and sustainable work. The United Nations' Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda gives us the opportunity to change and improve the lives of millions of people. These widespread efforts [...]

Gender Equality in the Clean Energy Transition (POK)

How increasing the representation of women in the clean energy sector can be a catalyst for innovation and ultimately lead to a more effective energy transition. This course in a nutshell. Females are significantly underrepresented in the energy sector: gain a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities for [...]

Fostering women's participation to STEM through MOOCs (POK)

This course aims to raise awareness about the importance of gender balance in the STEM field and illustrates a tool for the creation of gender-balanced MOOCs. Gender stereotypes and under-representation of women in STEM affect the way girls and young women perceive themselves, and it is one of the [...]

Understanding Gender Equity (edX)

Understand what gender equity is, the difference between gender equity and gender equality, why it matters, and how to recognize and address gender inequity in the workplace. This course provides a starting point for learning about and supporting gender equity in your workplace. You will develop a greater awareness [...]

Exploring Gender Equality in Education (FutureLearn)

Build the skills and strategies to make your school more inclusive by recognising and responding to gender inequality. Gain greater awareness of issues around gender inequality in education. Education systems can present both opportunities and barriers to gender equality. On this three-week course from the British Council, you’ll hear [...]

Women in Technology (POK)

This MOOC will give you the essential tools and knowledge to develop your entrepreneurial project dealing with gender gap and promoting gender equality. Women represent 52% of the total European population, but just a minority are start-up entrepreneurs. This makes female entrepreneurial potential an under-exploited source of economic growth [...]