Disease Surveillance

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Data Use for Disease Control & Global Health Decision-Making (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Data Use for Disease Control & Global Health Decision-Making (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This informative three-week course will prepare you to meet the challenges of conducting epidemiologic surveillance to gather data to inform decision-making and planning. Using the polio eradication effort as a case study, you’ll address the application of surveillance systems in a wide variety of settings. [...]

Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2 (Coursera)

This course, Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2, addresses public health issues of people affected by disasters, both natural or conflict-related. It discusses the many changes that occur in people’s lives when they are uprooted by a disaster, including many important topics related to humanitarian crises, such as [...]

Surveillance Systems: Analysis, Dissemination, and Special Systems (Coursera)

In this course, we'll build on the previous lessons in this specialization to focus on some very specific skills related to public health surveillance. We'll learn how to get the most out of surveillance data analysis, focusing specifically on interpreting time trend data to detect temporal aberrations as well [...]

Surveillance Systems: The Building Blocks (Coursera)

Epidemiology is often described as the cornerstone science and public health and public health surveillance is a cornerstone of epidemiology. This course will help you build your technical awareness and skills for working with a variety of surveillance systems. Along the way, we'll focus on system objectives, data reporting, [...]

Epidemics III (edX)

Explore the science, prevention and control of epidemics in this free online course. In addition to lectures by leading scientists in this field from HKU, this course will feature a supplementary module on COVID-19 and panel discussions with world-leading experts in epidemics.