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The Challenges of Modern Caregiving (Coursera)

Care workers are occasionally lauded as “heroes” of society, but the special challenges they face are not fully understood. This course examines how the organization of care has changed in modern times and the dilemmas those developments pose to helping professionals. Among the questions it engages are: How does [...]

Supporting Families and Caregivers (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Supporting Families and Caregivers (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course takes a deep dive into the challenges families and friends of a patient with serious illness face and how you can care for and support them as a provider, social worker or family friend. Supporting Families and Caregivers especially focuses on the children of a patient [...]

Living with Dementia: Impact on Individuals, Caregivers, Communities and Societies (Coursera)

Health professionals and students, family caregivers, friends of and affected individuals, and others interested in learning about dementia and quality care will benefit from completing the course. Led by Drs. Nancy Hodgson and Laura Gitlin, participants will acquire foundational knowledge in the care of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and [...]

Caring with Music: Can Music Do More In Adult Care Settings? (FutureLearn)

Oct 4th 2021
Caring with Music: Can Music Do More In Adult Care Settings? (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how music can help you in your work as an adult caregiver and explore ideas from music therapists to use in care settings. Discover the benefits of using music interactively Regardless of our language, culture, or abilities, music speaks to all of us. It can enable us to connect [...]

Cuidado al adulto mayor: una mirada al envejecimiento (edX)

Cree qué nuestra población se envejece a pasos agigantados? Aprenda sobre el envejecimiento y cómo cuidar al adulto mayor. Alguna vez se ha preguntado ¿Qué ocurre cuando envejecemos? o ¿Qué cuidados debemos brindarle al adulto mayor?

A Higiene da Pessoa Idosa (NAU)

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A Higiene da Pessoa Idosa (NAU)
Free Course
O curso A Higiene da Pessoa Idosa vai abordar boas práticas sobre a forma mais eficaz de realizar a higiene de uma pessoa, independentemente do seu grau de dependência. A Higiene da Pessoa Idosa é importante na saúde, conforto e qualidade de vida. Pretendemos dar-lhe boas práticas, conselhos e [...]

Ser Cuidador na Pandemia por COVID-19: Cuidados em Contexto Domiciliário (NAU)

"Ser cuidador na pandemia por COVID-19: cuidados em contexto domiciliário" é um curso que tem por objetivo orientar as pessoas que se tornaram cuidadores dos seus familiares. Venha adquirir conhecimentos e competências para cuidar de uma pessoa dependente e vulnerável.