Behavioral Finance

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Mercados financieros (Coursera)

Una síntesis de las ideas, métodos e instituciones que permiten que la sociedad humana pueda gestionar los riesgos y promover la actividad empresarial. Un énfasis en las habilidades de liderazgo con conocimientos financieros profundos. Descripción de las prácticas actuales y el análisis de prospectos a futuro. Introducción a los [...]

Das liebe Geld - Finance im Alltag (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Das liebe Geld - Finance im Alltag (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Der Kurs «Das liebe Geld – Finance im Alltag» gibt eine intuitive und praktische Einführung in persönliche Finanzthemen und einen Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsgebiete der Finance.

Behavioral Finance (Coursera)

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch? How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions with almost no thought, using what [...]

Financial Markets (Coursera)

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of [...]

Biases and Portfolio Selection (Coursera)

Investors tend to be their own worst enemies. In this third course, you will learn how to capitalize on understanding behavioral biases and irrational behavior in financial markets. You will start by learning about the various behavioral biases – mistakes that investors make and understand their reasons. You [...]

Introduction to Behavioural Finance (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Behavioural Finance (edX)
Course Auditing
Behavioural Finance is not just another branch of finance. It is the study of the influence of psychology on the behavior of human beings in their financial decision-making. It helps us in studying its subsequent effects on the financial markets. It highlights the fact that human beings are not [...]

Financial Investment & Risk Management (Coursera)

All investors in the financial market including large invest companies and private investors face common challenges when they make asset allocation decisions: where to invest, how to fulfill their obligations and what risk to take. This course will help you to gain skills in making investment decisions in the [...]