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Data-Driven Leadership Skills Course 1: Leadership Narrative (Coursera)

This course will explore the theme of 'Authenticity' in leadership by introducing you to the history of leadership theory going back to Ancient Greece. We will establish how traditional leadership became so important. We will also explore how traditional leadership began to unravel when leadership went scientific. We explain [...]

Delivering Quality Work with Agility (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Delivering Quality Work with Agility (Coursera)
Course Auditing
When you hand in work in a professional workspace, employers expect it to be good quality work and done in a timely manner. By taking this short course you will learn about consistency and how to deliver quality work and experiences to clients. In order to deliver good quality [...]

Soft Skills: Deliver Quality Work with Agility (edX)

Self Paced
Soft Skills: Deliver Quality Work with Agility (edX)
Course Auditing
Understand the importance of being able to create and deliver high-quality work efficiently, as it is a crucial soft skill for enhancing professional success.

PM4R Agile: mentalidad ágil en proyectos de desarrollo (edX)

¿Trabajas en proyectos de desarrollo e impacto social y necesitas mejorar el ritmo de ejecución de tu proyecto? ¿Quieres motivar a tu equipo y aplicar un enfoque ágil en tus proyectos? Aprende los principios básicos de la agilidad y a desarrollar una mentalidad ágil que mejore los resultados de [...]

Accelerate Enterprise Integrations with SAP Integration Suite (openSAP)

Self Paced
Accelerate Enterprise Integrations with SAP Integration Suite (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course about SAP Integration Suite and learn how to simplify and accelerate enterprise integrations, so organizations can quickly transition and become intelligent enterprises.