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Complex Problem Structuring: a Socio-Technical Perspective (edX)

Learn how to analyze and structure complex socio-technical problems and how to manage uncertainty. Discover how to use problem structuring as a key element in dealing with societal challenges and socio-technical problems and how it helps to avoid implementation of wrong solutions.

Co-Creating Sustainable Cities (edX)

Learn how citizen’s co-creation is key in making cities worldwide more sustainable. Around the world, major challenges of our time such as population growth and climate change are being addressed in cities. Here, citizens play an important role amidst governments, companies, NGOs and researchers in creating social, technological and [...]

Sustainable Urban Development (edX)

Learn why cities are key in resolving global urbanization and sustainability challenges and how you can engineer tomorrow’s cities today. Did you know that cities take up less than 3% of the earth’s land surface, but more than 50% of the world’s population live in them? And, cities generate [...]

MaaS: Adoption and Use (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
MaaS: Adoption and Use (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you will learn how to evaluate the potential of MaaS for a city of country before putting substantial investment in realizing any MaaS pilots or large scale projects. More precisely, you will be introduced to methods allowing you to collect data from citizens.

Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Participación eficaz de la sociedad civil en el desarrollo (Coursera)
Free Course
Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) son actores clave del desarrollo y tienen aportes valiosos que ofrecer. Desempeñan diversas funciones —por ejemplo, en materia de asistencia humanitaria, prestación de servicios, investigación, formulación de políticas, así como asegurar la rendición de cuentas de parte de gobiernos y otros grupos [...]

L’engagement efficace de la société civile dans le développement (Coursera)

Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) sont des acteurs clés du développement qui ont des contributions précieuses à apporter. Elles jouent une multitude de rôles – notamment en lien avec l’aide humanitaire, la prestation de services, la recherche et l’élaboration de politiques, et avec la responsabilisation des gouvernements [...]

Effective Engagement of Civil Society in Development (Coursera)

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in development that have valuable contributions to make. They play a multitude of roles - including in relation to humanitarian assistance, service-delivery, research and policy development, and pursuing accountability from governments and other stakeholders – all of which can significantly contribute to [...]

Try RRI! A guide for Responsible Research and Innovation (Coursera)

In this online course you will learn how to apply Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in your own work. First by understanding why it is important to act responsibly in your research and innovation processes at all. In a second step, you will get introduced to several tools that [...]

Excel Modeling for Professionals: Best Practices & Pitfalls (Coursera)

Through this course learners will gain the tools to decide whether or not Excel is the right software to use. They will learn how to set up good input data, format correctly, and the importance of good documentation. Learners will gain the ability to discern between different functions, to [...]

Reclaiming the Street for Livable Urban Spaces (Coursera)

In Reclaiming the Street, you will learn about the mechanisms of change and challenges you to apply this knowledge to start creating vibrant streetscapes in your neighbourhood. This six week course will guide you through seminal academic work on the topics of transition management and street experiments while providing [...]