Urban Sustainability

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Sharing Cities: Governance and Urban Sustainability (Coursera)

How can we govern the sharing economy in our cities? This course connects the sharing economy, cities, governance and urban sustainability to provide unique knowledge and insights into sharing cities. We utilize a diversity of leading examples of the emerging sharing economy in cities to bring this course to [...]

Transformative Living Labs in Urban Climate Action and Transportation Planning (edX)

Jan 16th 2024
Transformative Living Labs in Urban Climate Action and Transportation Planning (edX)
Course Auditing
This course is an introduction to sustainable and equitable solutions in urban mobility, and to the “living labs” model: a method of co-development among public and private actors, researchers, and civil society to accelerate innovation in climate action and sustainable urban planning and [...]

Built environment sustainability assessment (edX)

The course introduces the basic elements and trends for performing a through built environment assessment and develops the tools for urban sustainability policy impact analysis. The course introduces the basic elements and trends for performing a through built environment assessment and develops the tools for urban sustainability policy impact [...]

Environmental Protection and Sustainability (edX)

Self Paced
Environmental Protection and Sustainability (edX)
Course Auditing
Uncover better solutions to help manage a wide range of environmental problems and challenges facing our world today. Do you want to understand more about the environmental problems we currently face? Do you want to learn ways we can reduce the negative effects of these problems, and keep our [...]

Introducción interdisciplinar a la sostenibilidad urbana (edX)

Este curso presenta los elementos básicos y las tendencias que definen las prácticas de sostenibilidad en la arquitectura actual. Sigue un enfoque interdisciplinario que incluye la evaluación del desempeño y las políticas urbanas.

Evaluación e impacto de la sostenibilidad en el entorno urbano (edX)

El curso presenta los elementos básicos y las tendencias para realizar una evaluación completa del entorno construido y desarrolla las herramientas para el análisis de impacto de la política de sostenibilidad urbana.