Georgia Institute of Technology

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Computing for Data Analysis (edX)

A hands-on introduction to basic programming principles and practice relevant to modern data analysis, data mining, and machine learning. The modern data analysis pipeline involves collection, preprocessing, storage, analysis, and interactive visualization of data. In the course, you’ll see how computing and mathematics come together. [...]

Network Function Virtualization (Coursera)

This course covers Network Function Virtualization from the perspective of a systems engineer. It first discusses the proliferation of middleboxes in enterprise networks and the necessity of virtualizing these components just like software applications. It then details several optimizations in operating systems to facilitate efficient networking on virtualized hardware [...]

Cloud Systems Software (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to programming frameworks and their implementation issues in the Cloud. It explains multiple topics, including: scalable distributed data stores, resource management (for supporting multi-tenancy and elasticity) and virtualization techniques. Optionally, the student will also be guided in the implementation of a basic version of [...]

Cloud Applications (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to the development and support for Cloud-native applications, more specifically it delves into best practices of developing applications; migrating on premise applications to the cloud; the basic building blocks and properties expected from Cloud applications. The course also provide highlights of some novel cloud [...]

Better Business Writing in English (Coursera)

Do you need to write more easily and effectively in English? This course will provide the tools to help you do just that. You will develop your personal voice in your writing. You will develop strategies to plan and produce clear, understandable text. You will learn and practice specific [...]

Introduction to User Experience Design (Coursera)

The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to User Experience (UX) Design. User Experience design is design that is user centered. The goal is to design artifacts that allow the users to meet their needs in the most effective efficient and satisfying manner. The course introduces [...]

Materials Data Sciences and Informatics (Coursera)

This course aims to provide a succinct overview of the emerging discipline of Materials Informatics at the intersection of materials science, computational science, and information science. Attention is drawn to specific opportunities afforded by this new field in accelerating materials development and deployment efforts. [...]

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to enable the student to pass it. It will be presented in modules corresponding to the FE topics, particularly those in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Each module will review main concepts, [...]

Material Behavior (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base [...]