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Preclinical Safety: From In Vitro Assays to Human Dose Predictions (edX)

Drugs are approved based on their “safety and efficacy”. Determining the safety of a drug occurs through studies that are largely completely separate from efficacy studies. The safety studies fall under the umbrella of preclinical safety. While a drug’s therapeutic benefit is typically narrow and well-defined, the potential safety [...]

Nutrition and Health: Food Risks (edX)

Learn about bacteria, pesticides and health hazards present in food. Everyday reports of food scandals and recalls are published. One day it’s scary bacteria in meat, and another day it’s dangerous pesticides in fruits. According to some, meat needs to be cooked well to prevent food-borne illness while others [...]

Environnement et santé : un homme sain dans un environnement sain (FUN)

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Environnement et santé : un homme sain dans un environnement sain (FUN)
Free Course
Ce MOOC en toxicologie, environnement et santé aborde les principaux mécanismes d'exposition aux polluants environnementaux ainsi que les enjeux de la réglementation actuelle. La question des effets des environnements sur la santé est une préoccupation majeure. Les crises sanitaires récurrentes mettent en évidence les relations étroites entre l’homme et [...]