Sustainable Energy

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Sustainable Energy (edX)

Learn to critically analyze modern energy technologies from engineering and socio-political perspectives, and gain the skills necessary to help the world meet rising energy demand while reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change.

Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Urban Climate Governance Towards 1.5 Degrees (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to this course where you will explore how cities can and are addressing the climate crisis. In this course we will explore the science behind the 1.5°C goal, as well as useful local governance and technical tools to help cities align to it. This course will highlight the [...]

Renewable Power and Electricity Systems (Coursera)

The energy revolution in underway. Renewable energy is growing at an astounding pace - notably in electricity. Wind turbines and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems account for most new power plants built worldwide, and are essential to building a low-carbon and sustainable energy future. As a result, [...]

Explorando la Energía Sustentable (Coursera)

Este curso introductorio aborda conceptos de energía sustentable y describe tecnologías avanzadas que pueden sustituir progresivamente las actuales dominadas por el carbón, el petróleo y gas natural, cuyas emisiones está perturbando progresivamente el clima, lo que puede afectar el desarrollo y la convivencia [...]

Our Energy Future (Coursera)

This course is designed to introduce students to the issues of energy in the 21st century – including food and fuels – which are inseparably linked – and will discuss energy production and utilization from the biology, engineering, economics, climate science, and social science perspectives. This course will cover [...]

Chemical Engineering: Shaping a Sustainable Future (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Chemical Engineering: Shaping a Sustainable Future (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how chemical engineering can help to solve global challenges and explore its role in delivering sustainable development. Understand how chemical engineers can provide sustainable solutions. Chemical engineers are leading the way in providing answers to global challenges such as climate change, food security, and effective healthcare. On this [...]

Sustainable Energy: Design a Renewable Future (edX)

Learn how to make the transition to 100% renewable energy from wind, solar and biomass for electricity, heat and fuels for a sustainable future. A transition to sustainable energy is needed for our climate and welfare. In this engineering course, you will learn how to assess the potential for [...]

Exploring the World of Electric Mobility: Key Concepts and Strategies (FutureLearn)

Explore concepts, policies, and innovations in electric mobility to help decarbonise and build more sustainable transport systems. Learn how e-mobility can help create sustainable cities. Electric mobility is crucial for making urban transport greener and more sustainable. But with recommendations and policies on electric vehicles evolving rapidly, it can [...]

Analítica avanzada y seguridad cibernética (edX)

La digitalización del sector energético brinda una gran oportunidad para alcanzar una matriz energética diversificada y sostenible. Sin embargo existen grandes retos por delante, los cuales pueden ser superados gracias a los avances en los sistemas de analítica avanzada. Por otra parte, la digitalización del sector energético requiere la [...]