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Consulting Presentations and Storytelling (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Consulting Presentations and Storytelling (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the #5 course in the specialization on management consulting. In the previous 4 courses, we’ve learned how consultants break down problems with tools and logical thinking. Now, it’s time to bring all the parts together into consulting-quality presentations and deliverables.
Jun 3rd 2024
Course Auditing
47.00 EUR/month

UX Design: From Concept to Prototype (Coursera)

Great design doesn’t come out of nowhere; it is born, nurtured, and grown--all through a systematic, learnable process. In this UX course, you will explore the process of taking a basic concept, grounded in user needs, and developing it into a design that will address those needs. In the [...]

Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

In this project-centered course, you’ll design, build, and distribute your own unique application for the Android mobile platform. We’ll provide you with a set of customizable building blocks that you can assemble to create many different types of apps, and that will help you become familiar with many important [...]

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling (Coursera)

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling introduces educators to digital storytelling and explores ways to use digital stories to enhance students’ learning experiences. The course is designed to be comprehensive yet fundamental. By comprehensive we mean that the course provides a solid foundation for all of the [...]

Making Your First Virtual Reality Game (Coursera)

Virtual Reality is one of the most exciting experiences that technology can give us. The immersion and presence you can have in VR is quite unlike any other medium. Like many others, you are excited about the possibilities of this new medium and want to get started developing your [...]

Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)

Mar 5th 2024
Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to design, develop and test an iOS app in preparation for the App Store. In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app.

Designing E-Learning for Health (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
 Designing E-Learning for Health (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Design effective e-learning that tells powerful, real-life stories, in health and other sectors, with this free online course. Learn to translate real experiences into e-learning for health and social care. How can our e-learning tell powerful stories? How can we design high quality and reusable e-learning resources? How can [...]