Social Business

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L'entrepreneuriat social: faire son business plan (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
L'entrepreneuriat social: faire son business plan (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC a pour vocation de vous aider à créer votre entreprise à but social ou environnemental en vous aidant à vous poser toutes les "bonnes questions" : besoin social, proposition de valeur, modèle économique, financement, statut juridique, mesure de l'impact social...Thierry Sibieude, professeur titulaire de la Chaire Innovation [...]

Financial Markets and Instruments (Coursera)

This course is part of a Specialization titled “Strategy and Finance for a Lifecycle of a Social Business”. The beauty of a modern decision-making framework is that it can be used to understand value creation at any level – the individual or business or societal. The applications however become [...]

Creating a Social Business (Coursera)

May 1st 2024
Creating a Social Business (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is primarily aimed at learners interested in knowing about and running a social business. An ideal learner could be a student, social entrepreneur, social intrapreneur, or a corporate professional interested in social business. In the Module 1 of the course students will learn how different social business [...]

Risk, Return and Valuation (Coursera)

This course is part of a Specialization titled “Strategy and Finance for a Lifecycle of a Social Business”, with a follow-on project-based course on understanding and evaluating a business focused on addressing a societal issue. The beauty of a modern decision-making framework is that it can be used to [...]

Value and Business Decision Making (Coursera)

This course is part of a Specialization titled “Strategy and Finance for a Lifecycle of a Social Business”. It is an introduction to time value of money and will help the learner understand the basics of finance with the ultimate goal of valuing a company from a societal lens. [...]

Social Business Model and Planning for Social Innovation (Coursera)

In this course we will take the social business opportunity that you have identified in the first course to a higher level. Specifically, you will develop a business model using the Business Model Canvas. Gradually you will also start writing your business plan. Moreover, you will be able to [...]

Entrepreneurs without borders (POK)

Introduction to new business development for young people from all over the world. Have you ever thought of starting your own business? Being a job creator instead of a job seeker? Would you like to gather the right people for improving life in your community? For developing and selling [...]

Social Business: a Sustainable Way to Face the Most Pressing Needs of Our Time (FutureLearn)

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 Social Business: a Sustainable Way to Face the Most Pressing Needs of Our Time (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Social Businesses are designed to improve society. In this course you will learn the main concepts to design a Social Business. This free online course focuses on the concept of Social Business and the main variables that we need to take into account when creating a Social Business.