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Psicología de la Percepción (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Psicología de la Percepción (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Cómo funcionan nuestros sentidos para ayudarnos a dar sentido y responder a nuestro entorno? ¿La percepción es un reflejo “fiel” del ambiente que nos rodea? ¿En qué se diferencia una alucinación de una percepción normal? ¿Cómo se relacionan los avances neurocientíficos con las teorías psicológicas clásicas de la percepción? [...]

Introduction to Psychology (Coursera)

This course highlights the most interesting experiments within the field of psychology, discussing the implications of those studies for our understanding of the human mind and human behavior. We will explore the brain and some of the cognitive abilities it supports like memory, learning, attention, perception and consciousness. [...]

Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学 (edX)

Self Paced
Exploring Psychology's Core Concepts | 走进心理学 (edX)
Course Auditing
How do you interpretThe Da Vinci Code? Isa sleepwalker aware of themselves? Is language before the mind or the contrary? This course will answer these questions and more with psychology theories. How to decipher the Da Vinci Code? Does a person know that he is sleepwalking? Which came first, [...]

Intro to Psychology (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Psychology (Udacity)
Free Course
The Science of Thought and Behavior. Introduction to Psychology is a journey through all of the major psychological concepts and principles. The knowledge gained from this course will allow students to critically evaluate psychological research and have a more in-depth understanding of human thought and [...]

Sensation and Perception (

Legacy Course
Sensation and Perception (
Free Course
Sensation and perception are the processes by which we absorb information from environmental stimuli and convert it into data that our brains and bodies use to modify behavior. This course will introduce you to these two closely related, though distinct, processes.

Introduction to Psychology (

Self Paced
Introduction to Psychology (
Free Course
This course will introduce you to the fundamental principles of psychology and to the major subjects of psychological inquiry. It has been designed to not only provide you with the tools necessary for the study of psychology but to present you with a sampling of the major areas [...]