Google Slides

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Get Started with Presentation Applications: PowerPoint (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Get Started with Presentation Applications: PowerPoint (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Presentation applications are an essential part of productivity at work and school. Understanding how to use presentation apps such as Microsoft PowerPoint can make you a more efficient and valuable worker. In this mini-course, you will learn the essentials of effectively using presentation apps to work with slideshows. [...]
Jun 3rd 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Google Slides (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Google Slides (Coursera)
Course Auditing
With Google Slides, you can create and present professional presentations for sales, projects, training modules, and much more. Google Slides presentations are stored safely in the cloud. You build presentations right in your web browser—no special software is required. Even better, multiple people can work on your slides at [...]

Duet AI in Google Slides (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Duet AI in Google Slides (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Duet AI in Workspace is an add-on that provides customers with generative AI features in Google Workspace. In this mini-course, you learn about the key features of Duet AI and how they can be used to improve productivity and efficiency in Google Slides.

Getting Started with Google Workspace (Udacity)

Self Paced
Getting Started with Google Workspace (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn the skills to be productive with Google Workspace. This training equips students with the skills they need to become productive with Google Workspace. By the end of this course, the student will be proficient in the use of the core Google Workspace applications: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, [...]

Creating Virtual Learning Stations Using Google Slides (Coursera)

Mar 21st 2022
Creating Virtual Learning Stations Using Google Slides (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will create virtual learning stations using google slides. Virtual learning stations are online teacher developed learning materials and activities which are designed to teach, reinforce, or assess specific skill or concept. Giving students different opportunities to master a skill or acquire knowledge [...]

Build an Interactive Worksheet in Google Slides (Coursera)

Mar 14th 2022
Build an Interactive Worksheet in Google Slides (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will have created a drag-and-drop worksheet for your students to complete online or in the classroom. Creating digital worksheets not only saves you time at the photocopier, but it provides you with the customization that will help your students truly flourish as [...]

Aumente participación de reuniones con Google Slides (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Aumente participación de reuniones con Google Slides (Coursera)
Free Course
Al final de este proyecto, creará diapositivas de presentación atractivas para incorporarlas en futuras presentaciones. En este proyecto, utilizará las funciones de las diapositivas de Google para crear diapositivas de presentación más atractivas visualmente para reuniones o presentaciones virtuales. Muchas diapositivas de presentación pueden contener simplemente texto, o incluso [...]

Cree una presentación de mercadeo con Google Slides (Coursera)

Como propietario de una pequeña empresa, los presupuestos son ajustados para los "extras". A menudo, esto significa que no es posible invertir en herramientas de alto costo para mercadeo. Los propietarios de pequeñas empresas deben recurrir a alternativas gratuitas o de bajo costo que a veces pueden ser mejores [...]

Diseñar mejores presentaciones en Google Slides (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Diseñar mejores presentaciones en Google Slides (Coursera)
Free Course
En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 2 horas de duración, aprenderás cinco de las mejores prácticas para diseñar mejores presentaciones en Google Slides. Estas mejores practicas son muy fundamentales para cualquier profesional que quiera dar presentaciones a pesar de la experiencia que tenga en diseñarlas. Lo [...]

Initiation à Google Drive (Coursera)

Feb 28th 2022
Initiation à Google Drive (Coursera)
Free Course
Dans ce projet guidé, vous découvrirez Google Drive le service de collaboration de Google qui offre 15 Giga de stockage gratuit à tous ses utilisateurs, Google Drive a de nombreux outils que nous allons découvrir au cours de ce projet guidé, tels que : Google Docs (équivalent de Word), [...]