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Knowing the Universe: History and Philosophy of Astronomy (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Knowing the Universe: History and Philosophy of Astronomy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is an introductory level course about the history and philosophy of astronomy, the oldest science. We'll look at how humans learned to ask questions about the universe, and even before the invention of modern instruments like the telescope, learned some amazing things about their place in nature. [...]

AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery (Coursera)

Modern astronomy has made some astonishing discoveries - how stars burn and how black holes form; galaxies from the edge of the universe and killer rocks right next door; where the elements come from and how the expanding universe is accelerating. But how do we know all that? The [...]

Data-driven Astronomy (Coursera)

Science is undergoing a data explosion, and astronomy is leading the way. Modern telescopes produce terabytes of data per observation, and the simulations required to model our observable Universe push supercomputers to their limits. To analyse this data scientists need to be able to think computationally to solve problems. [...]

Journey of the Universe: The Unfolding of Life (Coursera)

Journey of the Universe weaves together the discoveries of the evolutionary sciences together with humanities such as history, philosophy, art, and religion. The course draws on the Emmy-award winning film, Journey of the Universe, and the book from Yale University Press. Journey explores cosmic evolution as a creative [...]

The Evolving Universe (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
The Evolving Universe (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is an introductory astronomy survey class that covers our understanding of the physical universe and its major constituents, including planetary systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, larger structures, and the universe as a whole.

Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space (Coursera)

This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about modern astronomy. We will help you get up to date on the most recent astronomical discoveries while also providing support at an introductory level for those who have no background in science.

Mechanics: Motion, Forces, Energy and Gravity, from Particles to Planets (Coursera)

Most of the phenomena in the world around you are, at the fundamental level, based on physics, and much of physics is based on mechanics. Mechanics begins by quantifying motion, and then explaining it in terms of forces, energy and momentum. This allows us to analyse the operation of [...]

Confronting The Big Questions: Highlights of Modern Astronomy (Coursera)

An introduction to modern astronomy's most important questions. The four sections of the course are Planets and Life in The Universe; The Life of Stars; Galaxies and Their Environments; The History of The Universe.

In the Night Sky: Orion (FutureLearn)

Nov 21st 2022
In the Night Sky: Orion (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the night sky and improve your knowledge of astronomy, all through the constellation of Orion. This online astronomy course will change the way you see the night sky.

Painting watercolor galaxies - for beginners (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Painting watercolor galaxies - for beginners (Skillshare)
Free Course
I would love to show you, how I paint one of my favorite subjects- galaxies! This is a beginners watercolor class, so no experience is required. I will go over the supplies needed for this class, and show you how I paint galaxies. If you are new to watercolors, [...]