Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization Specialization

As data becomes the modern currency, so the ability to quickly and accurately analyse data has become of paramount importance. Therefore, data analytics and visualization are two of the most sought after skills for high paying jobs with strong future growth prospects. According to an IBM report, the Excel tools for data analytics and visualization are among the top 10 competencies projected to show double-digit growth in their demand. This course will help you develop your analytical and visualization skills so that you not only improve your current work performance but also expand your future job prospects.
Upon completing this specialization, you will be able to bring data to life using advanced Excel functions, creative visualizations, and powerful automation features. These courses will equip you with a comprehensive set of tools for transforming, linking, and analysing data. You will master a broad range of charts and create stunning interactive dashboards. Finally, you will explore a new dimension in Excel with PowerPivot, Get and Transform, and DAX. Harnessing the power of an underlying database engine, we will remove the 1,048,576 row limitation, completely automate data transformation, create data models to effectively link data, and open the gateway to Power Business Intelligence.
- Use Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis.
- Use Named Ranges and Tables to automate your analysis.
- Understand the different types of data in Excel and use appropriate functions to work with them.
- Use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data.

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Data Visualization in Excel (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Data Visualization in Excel (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In an age now driven by "big data", we need to cut through the noise and present key information in a way that can be quickly consumed and acted upon making data visualization an increasingly important skill. Visualizations need to not only present data in an easy to understand [...]

Excel Power Tools for Data Analysis (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Excel Power Tools for Data Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to Excel Power Tools for Data Analysis. In this four-week course, we introduce Power Query, Power Pivot and Power BI, three power tools for transforming, analysing and presenting data. Excel's ease and flexibility have long made it a tool of choice for doing data analysis, but it does [...]