Digital Literacy

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Using Educational Technology with English Learners (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Using Educational Technology with English Learners (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed for early career teachers to learn about evaluating and incorporating technology into the classroom to engage students, especially English learners (ELs). Teachers face the challenging expectation of helping ELs achieve grade-level standards and to develop additional 21st century skills, including citizenship, collaboration, creativity, communication, character, [...]

Understanding Technology and Data (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Understanding Technology and Data (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the course Understanding Technology and Data. This course is designed to provide a foundation on how technology and data are applied in everyday life and will help you learn to succeed in a digital work environment.
May 20th 2024
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

Digital Information Literacy (Coursera)

A Digital Artifact is an object that represents one’s learning. In today’s changing educational landscape, more courses call for a visual item as opposed to a “traditional” assignment or project. There are a multitude of free tools and software at our fingertips. This online course will provide tips, suggestions, [...]

Data, Security, and Privacy (Coursera)

This course provides hands-on experience with technology-based productivity tools, as well as foundational knowledge and understanding of system design and development. The course is designed to integrate concepts of hardware, software, and the Internet. This course also provides an overview of data security, data privacy, and ways to increase [...]

Alfabetização Midiática, Informacional e Diálogo Intercultural - UNESCO e UNICAMP (Coursera)

Este curso quer pensar junto com você sobre um fenômeno recente no Brasil, que é a presença de uma grande quantidade de informação via mundo digital. Vamos mostrar diferentes caminhos do que podemos fazer com essa quantidade incrível de midias e como participar da construção de conteúdo digital de [...]

Fandom, Social Media, and Authenticity in the Digital Age (Coursera)

"Fandom, Social Media, and Authenticity in the Digital Age" focuses your attention on the interconnected dynamics of identity, representation, interpretation, and self-reflection. It asks the question: how, where, and with whom do we inhabit the worlds of fandom and popular culture in the digital age? We will explore [...]

Information & Digital Literacy for University Success (Coursera)

This Specilaization is aimed at preparing students for undergraduate study in an English-speaking university. The course equips you for full participation and engagement with your studies by building awareness and understanding of the core values and expectations of academic culture, and providing you with practical strategies to apply to [...]

Digital Literacy (Coursera)

The online course in Digital Literacy offered by HSE University was designed to help the students acquire various competencies that will enable them to safely and effectively use digital technologies and Internet resources in an academic and professional context. The Digital Literacy course is a step-by-step guide covering various [...]

Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design (FutureLearn)

Mar 7th 2022
Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover emerging trends in the exciting field of digital learning and learn how to transform your professional practice. How do we transform the future practice of digital learning? The demand for innovative digital learning continues to grow rapidly. In this 2-week course, you’ll examine what online learning is, who [...]

Digital Future Literacy - Fit für die digitale Zukunft (openHPI)

Im Zuge der Digitalisierung müssen sich viele heute im Erwerbsleben stehende Menschen beruflich weiterqualifizieren. Zunehmend gebraucht werden nicht nur technologische Fähigkeiten wie Umgang mit Software oder Programmierung, sondern die neuen digitalen Geschäfts- und Arbeitsprozesse erfordern verstärkt digitale und nicht-digitale Schlüsselfähigkeiten (digital future literacy). Dazu zählen u.a. Data Literacy, Kollaboration, [...]