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COVID-19: What You Need to Know (CME Eligible) (Coursera)

COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has already resulted in hundreds of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths, with many more anticipated. This course is a go-to resource that will be regularly updated with all of the current information put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other leading [...]

Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive Review (Coursera)

This course is designed to inform primary care physicians and general otolaryngologists about the differences between acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and how to distinguish and treat them. It is also applicable to individuals who wish to broaden their knowledge and vernacular about this disease process, especially those who may [...]

Introduction to Dental Medicine (Coursera)

The mouth is the window into human health. This course provides an overview of dental medicine to engage, educate, excite and assist you in improving the oral health of your patients and members of your community. We will review topics in dental medicine including scope of the field, what [...]

Bacteria and Chronic Infections (Coursera)

This course will give you an introduction to bacteria and chronic infections. Leading experts in the field will make you familiar with the fundamental concepts of microbiology and bacteriology such as single cell bacteria, biofilm formation, and acute and chronic infections.

Cáncer de próstata (Coursera)

El profesional de la salud que lleve a cabo este curso tendrá presente la importancia de conocer el tema de cáncer de próstata, esto por ser el tumor maligno más frecuente en los hombres; además de identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de la enfermedad y [...]

The Truth About Cats and Dogs (Coursera)

What is your cat revealing to you when she purrs? What is your dog expressing when he yawns or wags his tail? Understanding your cat and dog’s behaviour and the way they communicate with you, will enable you to better understand their needs and strengthen your relationship with them. [...]

In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown (Coursera)

Welcome to this on-demand MOOC “In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown”. This MOOC has been produced by Université de Genève Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Descartes and Centre Virchow-Villermé. With the help of the intervention of faculty members and international experts, we will explore together the [...]

Ebola: Essential knowledge for health professionals (Coursera)

March 2014 marked the starting point of the largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history. Although the disease seems to be on a decrease, we are not there yet and new outbreaks will surely emerge. New efforts to combat the outbreak are necessary. This is why we developed [...]

Clinical Epidemiology (Coursera)

Evidence forms the basis of modern medicine. Clinical research provides us with this evidence, guiding health professionals towards solutions to problems that they face in daily practice. Transferring existing problems in medical practice to a research setting is a challenging process that requires careful consideration. The practice of clinical [...]

Diagnóstico y tratamiento del dolor neuropático en atención primaria (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Diagnóstico y tratamiento del dolor neuropático en atención primaria (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso busca fortalecer las habilidades diagnósticas de los profesionales de la salud frente al dolor neuropático y su adecuado tratamiento. El curso se divide en cuatro módulos, en cada uno podrás conocer el testimonio y el examen físico de una paciente real, con el fin de identificar de [...]