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The Emergence of the Modern Middle East - Part II (Coursera)

This course will discuss the developments in the Middle East from the early 20th century to the present. It will discuss the rise and retreat of Arab nationalism, the problems of internal cohesion of the Arab states, issues of religion and state, and the evolution of Islamist politics. It [...]

Aboriginal Worldviews and Education (Coursera)

Intended for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal learners, this course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how they can benefit all students. Topics include historical, social, and political issues in Aboriginal education; terminology; cultural, spiritual and philosophical themes in Aboriginal worldviews; and how Aboriginal worldviews can inform professional programs [...]

Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”) (Coursera)

ModPo is a FREE (no fee, no charge) fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, with an emphasis on experimental verse, from Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly "difficult." [...]

America Through Foreign Eyes (Coursera)

The United States has always been a source of fascination — both attraction and repulsion — for the people of France, Mexico, China, and African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, and Sudan. "America Through Foreign Eyes" is a rich, interdisciplinary, international course that features Rice University faculty from [...]

Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage (Coursera)

Archaeology has as its objective the recovery and revival of humankind past, and as its aim the rescue and preservation of cultural heritage. Archaeology is, among human sciences, the discipline with the strongest importance for the rediscovery, but also for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as Humankind’s [...]

ART of the MOOC: Activism and Social Movements (Coursera)

This course is for activists, artists, and thinkers who wish to better understand and participate in social change. We will focus on the prolific and exciting overlap between socially engaged art and cultural practices generated by recent social movements around the world. Rather than assess the political efficacy of [...]

Calvin - Histoire et réception d'une Réforme (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Calvin - Histoire et réception d'une Réforme (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce cours introduit à la vie et à la pensée du réformateur Jean Calvin (1509-1564) ainsi qu’à son influence sur le monde moderne et contemporain. La démarche proposée se veut critique, il ne s’agit ni de canoniser ni de condamner Calvin, mais de comprendre sa pensée avec toute la [...]

Contemporary Political Thought (

Legacy Course
Contemporary Political Thought (
Free Course
The purpose of this course is to provide you with an overview of the major political theorists and their work from the 18th century to the present. Common themes seen in contemporary political thought include governance, property ownership and redistribution, free enterprise, individual liberty, justice, and responsibility for the [...]

Découper le temps : les périodes de l'histoire (FUN)

No sessions available
Découper le temps : les périodes de l'histoire (FUN)
Free Course
L’objet du cours est de comprendre les raisons qui poussent l’historien à découper le temps. L’enseignement de l’histoire en France est traditionnellement découpé en quatre périodes canoniques : histoire ancienne, médiévale, moderne et contemporaine. Que signifient ces époques qui sont le produit d’une histoire avant tout européenne et méditerranéenne [...]

Contemporary Italian Literature (UNINETTUNO)

The module, whose title is “The ways of narrating: the Italian Novel of the Twentieth Century”, deals with the development of the Italian novel in the last century and focuses on its main authors and texts. Beside analysing in depth some leading figures of the Twentieth Century Italian novel, [...]