Business Contracts

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Employment Contracts (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Employment Contracts (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The employment relationship is one of the foundations upon which modern society and the greater economy is built, but the nature of this relationship can be both complex and confusing. This course seeks to demystify the ways that U.S. contract law principles govern the fundamental relationship between employers and [...]

Navigating Legal & Commercial Aspects of Sports (edX)

Leading academics in their respective fields will introduce you to the dynamic world of sports law and related business principles. You will develop an overall understanding of the key legal and commercial aspects of sports. You will gain useful insights into their application based on actual scenarios involving athletes [...]

Getting a Good Deal: Negotiating Extractive Industry Contracts (edX)

Learn about negotiating extractive industry contracts and strategies for governments to get the best outcomes from negotiation. Many resource-rich countries negotiate complex contracts to govern mining, oil, or gas projects. Despite the critical importance of these contracts in determining the risks and benefits of these projects, many developing country [...]

Comprendre le droit des contrats de travail (FUN)

Sep 22nd 2021
Comprendre le droit des contrats de travail (FUN)
Course Auditing
Ce Mooc vous présente la vie des contrats de travail, de leur naissance jusqu’à leur fin. Ce cours est fondé sur la pratique et la gestion quotidienne des contrats de travail en entreprise, et traite de l’ensemble des problématiques juridiques que l’on peut rencontrer aujourd’hui sur ce sujet.
Sep 22nd 2021
Course Auditing
60.00 EUR

Aspects juridiques de la création d'entreprises innovantes (FUN)

No sessions Available
Aspects juridiques de la création d'entreprises innovantes (FUN)
Free Course
Six semaines pour acquérir et maîtriser les connaissances juridiques de base relatives à la création d’entreprises innovantes.