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BigQuery for Data Analysts (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
BigQuery for Data Analysts (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed for data analysts who want to learn about using BigQuery for their data analysis needs. Through a combination of videos, labs, and demos, we cover various topics that discuss how to ingest, transform, and query your data in BigQuery to derive insights that can help [...]

Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this beginner-level course, you will learn about the Data Analytics workflow on Google Cloud and the tools you can use to explore, analyze, and visualize data and share your findings with stakeholders.

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure 한국어로 (Coursera)

이 과정에는 Google Cloud의 가치와 클라우드 기반 솔루션을 비즈니스 전략에 통합하는 방법을 알 수 있도록 Google Cloud 제품 및 서비스를 간략히 설명하는 강의, 데모, 실무형 실습이 포함되어 있습니다.

Building Resilient Streaming Systems on GCP em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Por meio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprenderão a criar pipelines de dados de streaming usando o Google Cloud Pub/Sub e o Dataflow [...]

Launching into Machine Learning en Français (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Launching into Machine Learning en Français (Coursera)
Course Auditing
À partir de l'histoire du machine learning, nous examinons les raisons pour lesquelles les réseaux de neurones fonctionnent si bien de nos jours dans différents problèmes liés à la science des données. Nous évoquons ensuite la façon d'aborder un problème d'apprentissage supervisé et le moyen d'y répondre en utilisant [...]

Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (Coursera)

This course introduces participants to the big data capabilities of Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants get an overview of Google Cloud and a detailed view of the data processing and machine learning capabilities. This course showcases the ease, flexibility, and power of [...]

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure (Coursera)

This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare, many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, [...]

Build a Data Warehouse Using BigQuery (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Build a Data Warehouse Using BigQuery (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Unlock the power of Google BigQuery as you embark on a journey to become proficient in data warehouse building and advanced querying. In this comprehensive course, you'll learn to harness the capabilities of BigQuery, from setting up and accessing the platform to creating data warehouses using both the user [...]

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure in italiano (Coursera)

This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare, many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, [...]

Exploring ​and ​Preparing ​your ​Data with BigQuery (Coursera)

This first course in this specialization is Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery. Here we will see what the common challenges faced by data analysts are and how to solve them with the big data tools on Google Cloud Platform. You’ll pick up some SQL along the way [...]