University of Geneva

Founded in 1559 by Jean Calvin, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is dedicated to thinking, teaching, dialogue and research. With 16’000 students of more than 140 different nationalities, it is Switzerland’s second largest university.
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Droit International de l'Eau Douce (Coursera)

Au cours des dernières décennies, le droit international a connu des développements majeurs afin de tenir compte des multiples facettes que revêt la gestion et la protection des eaux douces. L’adoption d’instruments universels, régionaux et de bassins souligne l’importance d’étudier l’évolution de la réglementation internationale relative à l’eau et [...]

Water Resources Management and Policy (Coursera)

Water management today is faced with new challenges such as climate change or the effects of human activity. Public and private stakeholders who are active in this field must develop new ways to better manage the water cycle "as a whole". The objective of this MOOC is to develop [...]

Precision Medicine (Coursera)

This course will provide you with the key knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals and practical implications of precision medicine, its opportunities and challenges. It will address precision-medicine era diagnostics, treatment selection, genetic counseling, public health interventions, and biomedical research. It will also deal with data science and [...]

International Water Law (Coursera)

In recent decades, international law has undergone a series of major developments in order to accommodate the many new facets of freshwater management and protection. The adoption of universal, regional and basin instruments highlights how important it is to study the evolution of international water regulations and to be [...]

Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface (Coursera)

The University of Geneva, Institute Pasteur, University of Montreal and Centre Virchow-Villermé/University Paris Descartes welcome you to this new MOOC on "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface"! Over the next 5 weeks, you will explore and learn about some of the major and current Global Health Challenges at the [...]

In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown (Coursera)

Welcome to this on-demand MOOC “In the footsteps of Zika… approaching the unknown”. This MOOC has been produced by Université de Genève Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Descartes and Centre Virchow-Villermé. With the help of the intervention of faculty members and international experts, we will explore together the [...]

Ebola : Vaincre ensemble ! (Coursera)

Il s’agit d’un MOOC sur la crise internationale sur Ebola partie d’Afrique de l’Ouest en 2014 ; d’une durée de 5 semaines, où interviendront plus de 30 professeurs des universités, chercheurs, responsables politiques, autorités sanitaires nationales et internationales, membres d’ONGs, et autres acteurs d’Europe et d’Afrique sur plus de [...]

Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Gestion et Politique de l'eau (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Aujourd’hui la gestion de l’eau se trouve confrontée à de nouveaux défis tels que le changement climatique ou les conséquences des activités anthropiques. Les acteurs publics ou privés dans ce domaine doivent développer de nouvelles compétences pour mieux gérer le cycle de l’eau « dans son ensemble ». [...]

Classical papers in molecular genetics (Coursera)

You have all heard about the DNA double helix and genes. Many of you know that mutations occur randomly, that the DNA sequence is read by successive groups of three bases (the codons), that many genes encode enzymes, and that gene expression can be regulated. These concepts were proposed [...]