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Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 3) (edX)

Un MOOC francophone d'algèbre linéaire accessible à tous, enseigné de manière rigoureuse et ne nécessitant aucun prérequis. Vous voulez apprendre l'algèbre linéaire, un précieux outil complémentaire à vos connaissances acquises durant vos études en économie, ingénierie, physique, ou statistique? Ou simplement pour la beauté de la matière? Alors ce [...]

Simulating a Hippocampus Microcircuit (edX)

In this course, you will learn to simulate, analyze and visualize hippocampal microcircuits. You will reproduce experimental protocols “in silico” to validate simulated microcircuit behaviors, and leverage the brain simulation platform to gain insights towards parsimonious theories on brain function. Simulation Neuroscience is an emerging approach to integrate the [...]

Groundscape Architecture Lab. Carpark Futures (edX)

Developing architectural and design knowledge for the urban underground. ‘Groundscape’ is a new word coined by architect Dominique Perrault to integrate underground spaces into architecture knowledge. The general focus of this course is to provide students with underground design strategies that respond to contemporary urban challenges. Indeed, The underground [...]

Selected Topics on Discrete Choice (edX)

Discrete choice models are used extensively in many disciplines where it is important to predict human behavior at a disaggregate level. This course is a follow up of the online course “Introduction to Discrete Choice Models”. We have selected some important advanced topics, that are presented in [...]

The Radio Sky II: Observational Radio Astronomy (edX)

This course covers the principles and practices of radio astronomical observations, in particular with modern interferometers. Topics range from radio telescope technology to the measurement equation to radio interferometric calibration and imaging.

Introduction à l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie - de la pensée à la pratique (edX)

MOOC introduction à la pensée du cycle de vie et aux concepts théoriques pour réaliser et critiquer une analyse du cycle de vie. Curieux d’apprendre ce qu’est la pensée du cycle de vie, d’embrasser la vision systémique, savoir calculer et critiquer l’empreinte environnementale d’un produit, service ou [...]

IoT Systems and Industrial Applications with Design Thinking (edX)

The first MOOC to provide a comprehensive introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) including the fundamental business aspects needed to define IoT related products. Internet of Things (IoT) and smart connected devices have radically changed the way our world works and how companies operate and create new [...]

Building expertise on developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure (edX)

This course provides knowledge, builds expertise and provides tools on the planning, financing, procurement and contracting of sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects. This course provides knowledge, builds expertise and provides tools on the planning, financing, procurement and contracting of sustainable and resilient infrastructure [...]

Exploring Humans’ Space: An Introduction to Geographicity (edX)

Explore how geography, cartography, urbanization and spatial justice play a role in shaping the notion of human space. How do we understand the notion of space? How have urbanisation, mobility, digital spaces, and globalization changed the way we perceive it? This course aims to help you feel comfortable with [...]