Teacher Education

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A Europeana na sala de aula: o desenvolvimento de competências para o século XXI na esfera do património cultural digital (European Schoolnet Academy)

O MOOC "A Europeana na sala de aula: o desenvolvimento de competências para o século XXI na esfera do património cultural digital" permitirá aos professores compreenderem melhor o Património Cultural a fim de o integrar nas suas aulas e práticas de forma eficaz, independentemente da disciplina que normalmente [...]

Making Teacher Education Relevant for 21st Century Africa (FutureLearn)

Play your part in transforming education in Africa - get teachers ready for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. Major changes are needed in African schools to raise achievement and cope with rapidly increasing student numbers. Learner-centred approaches, improved internet connectivity and the recent UNESCO ICT competency [...]

Supporting Special Educational Needs in Every Classroom (SchoolEducationGateway)

Inclusion is about belonging: being part of a school, a community. That’s just one of the reasons why true inclusive education can be so powerful. Spurred by human rights declarations, more European students with special educational needs (SEN) are joining mainstream schools. But what can teachers do to best [...]

Embracing Language Diversity in Your Classroom (SchoolEducationGateway)

Movement within and into Europe as well as international school projects made our continent more language diverse. But dealing with multilingual classrooms isn’t self-evident. The new Teacher Academy course ‘Embracing Language Diversity in Your Classroom’ helps you to utilise the different language skills in the classroom, and provides you [...]

Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage (European Schoolnet Academy)

The Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage MOOC is meant to enhance teachers' cultural and digital competence and practices, improving their understanding of cultural heritage in order to more efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices, regardless of the subject they usually [...]

Promoting Technology-Enhanced Teaching (European Schoolnet Academy)

This course invites policymakers, school heads and teachers to discuss the results of the MENTEP policy experimentation. More than 7000 teachers in 11 countries participated in the field trials that aimed at testing the impact of TET-SAT, a newly developed online tool for teachers to self-assess their technology-enhanced teaching. [...]

Opening Minds to STEM Careers (European Schoolnet Academy)

Demand for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) professionals and associated professionals is expected to grow by around eight percent between now and 2025. This means that Europe needs more young people to pursue STEM subjects and careers to become part of a much needed qualified workforce in the [...]

Code Week: Teaching Programming to Young Learners (openSAP)

Self Paced
Code Week: Teaching Programming to Young Learners (openSAP)
Free Course
This free open online course is aimed at teachers and parents of pre-teens to help you encourage children to get involved in programming and coding from an early age. You don’t need to know anything about coding to take part! This course will introduce you to Scratch, a free [...]

Mentoring in Schools (European Schoolnet Academy)

Join us on this course to explore how mentors can support and develop the work of teachers in schools. The course aims to support mentors working with teachers by offering them strategies and tools for their work with teachers as well as examples of effective mentorship approaches leading to [...]

Online Safety Course (European Schoolnet Academy)

The online safety MOOC aims to empower primary and secondary teachers and give them a better understanding of the opportunities, risks and challenges presented to children and young people, and their parents and teachers, in the online world of the 21st century. Teachers will learn about a variety of [...]