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Attending a Networking Event (edX)

Improve your ability to meet new people. Learn to give an “elevator pitch” (speech) to introduce yourself to new people and to highlight your key qualities. Make connections with people and use your skills to attend a networking event. In this course, you’ll focus on two key parts of [...]

Comunicación y Pronunciación en Inglés (edX)

Mejora tu pronunciación de inglés por medio de una introducción práctica a la fonología básica del idioma, para aumentar tu confianza y habilidades comunicativas a la hora de hablar inglés. En tu vida diaria y laboral, tal vez te has enfrentado a situaciones en donde tu acento al hablar [...]

Stylistics: Using Linguistics to Explore Texts and Meaning (FutureLearn)

Sep 27th 2021
Stylistics: Using Linguistics to Explore Texts and Meaning (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Gain insights into political speeches, beautiful poetry, and everything in between as you take a deep dive into stylistics. Uncover the real meaning behind the words you read and hear with stylistics Stylistics is the study of linguistic style in texts. It helps to explain how politicians mislead; how novelists [...]

Public Speaking for College Students (Skillshare)

University is all about presentations - interviews, speeches, group projects. If you're like me, you'll be lucky if you got to do a single speech in high school to prepare. This course has an aim of gearing students up with the necessary skills needed to make successful speeches and presentations.

Latino: forme e circolazione nella pars Orientis dell’Impero (Federica Web Learning)

Se per l’Occidente mancano testimonianze che non siano quelle indirette di trattazioni specifiche come l’Institutio oratoria di Quintiliano, l’Oriente ha restituito una serie di testimoni diretti delle forme dell’insegnamento del latino,tra I a.C. e VI d.C.: favorita fondamentalmente dall’occupazione militare e dai bisogni dell’amministrazione per tutta la prima età [...]

Elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (Federica Web Learning)

II corso si prefigge di offrire una panoramica sulle tecnologie di trattamento automatico del linguaggio sia scritto che parlato con particolare attenzione alle tecnologie per il dialogo uomo-macchina.

Training für Referate (Eduson)

Das Eduson Training hilft Dir bei Deinem Referat. Hier findest Du die wichtigsten Tricks und Tipps für Deine Präsentation in der Schule oder in der Freizeit. Das Eduson Training ist einfach und passt auf jedes Referat. Es sind nur 8 ganz einfache Schritte die Dich zum perfekten Referat bringen. [...]

Talk the Talk: How to Give a Great Presentation (FutureLearn)

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Talk the Talk: How to Give a Great Presentation (FutureLearn)
Free Course
This hands-on course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to create and deliver confident presentations and speeches.